Partial Public Class AppInfo
' This function will return the VersionMajor Element of the Assembly Version
Function VersionMajor() As String
Dim txt As String = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName.Version.Major.ToString()
If txt.Length > 0 Then
Return txt
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
' This function will return the VersionMinor Element of the Assembly Version
Function VersionMinor() As String
Dim txt As String = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetName.Version.Minor.ToString()
If txt.Length > 0 Then
Return txt
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
' This function will return the VersionPatch Element of the Assembly Version
Function VersionPatch() As String
Dim txt As String = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Build.ToString()
If txt.Length > 0 Then
Return txt
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
' This function will return the entire Version Number of the Assembly Version
Function Version() As String
Dim Func As New AppInfo
Dim txt As String = VersionMajor() + "." + VersionMinor() + "." + VersionPatch()
If txt.Length > 0 Then
Return txt
Return String.Empty
End If
End Function
End Class
Function Index() As ActionResult
Dim func As New API.AppInfo
ViewData("1") = func.Version
Return View()
End Function