2015-05-11 19 views

所以我有一個輸入文件,我想用這個程序測試...文件名是「sample.txt.asc」我如何在這個程序中運行這個輸入文件?我認爲,爲了將去:Windows Cmd:輸入文件以運行程序的內容是什麼?

1)的javac project1.java 2)的Java PROJECT1 < sample.txt.asc


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.io.*; 
public class project1 { 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 
    Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new File(args[1])); 
    String[] cypherLines; 

    cypherLines = getCypherLines(inFile); 
    outputObscureLines(process(args[0], getDataArrayFrom(cypherLines)), cypherLines); 

    public static void outputRestOfLines(Scanner F) { 
    while (F.hasNext()) 

    public static void outputObscureLines(char[][] data, String[] lines) { 
    // Print data chars and then rest of chars from lines 
    for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) { 
     for (int col = 0; col< data.length; col++) { 
     System.out.print(data[ row ][ col ]); 
     for (int col = data.length; col < lines[ row ].length(); col++) { 
     System.out.print(lines[ row ].charAt(col)); 
    // Now output that "extra" line we remembered 
    System.out.println(lines[ lines.length - 1 ]); 

    public static char[][] process(String command, char[][] dataArray) { 
    char[][] newDataArray = duplicate(dataArray); 

    for (int i = 0; i < command.length(); i++) { 
     switch (command.charAt(i)) { 
     case 'v': 
     case 'V': 
     newDataArray = flipVertical(newDataArray); break; 
     case 'h': 
     case 'H': 
     newDataArray = flipHorizontal(newDataArray); break; 
     case 'r': 
     case 'R': 
     newDataArray = rotate(newDataArray); break; 
     // this should be an error, but we'll presume the 
     // command sequence is valid and do nothing. 
    return newDataArray; 

    public static char[][] rotate(char[][] data) { 
    char[][] temp = new char[ data.length ][ data.length ]; 

    for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) 
     for (int col = 0; col < data.length; col++) 
     temp[ data.length - col - 1 ][ row ] = data[ row ][ col ]; 
    return temp; 

    public static char[][] flipHorizontal(char[][] data) { 
    char[][] temp = new char[ data.length ][ data.length ]; 

    for (int col = 0; col < data.length; col++) 
     for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) 
     temp[ row ][ data.length - col - 1 ] = data[ row ][ col ]; 
    return temp; 

    public static char[][] flipVertical(char[][] data) { 
    char[][] temp = new char[ data.length ][ data.length ]; 

    for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) 
     for (int col = 0; col < data.length; col++) 
     temp[ data.length - row - 1 ][ col ] = data[ row ][ col ]; 
    return temp; 

    public static char[][] duplicate(char[][] data) { 
    char[][] temp = new char[ data.length ][ data.length ]; 

    for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) 
     for (int col = 0; col < data[ row ].length; col++) 
     temp[ row ][ col ] = data[ row ][ col ]; 
    return temp; 

    public static char[][] getDataArrayFrom(String[] lines) { 
    char[][] data = new char[ lines.length - 1 ][ lines.length - 1 ]; 

    // Only process valid cypher lines 
    for (int row = 0; row < lines.length - 1; row++) 
     for (int col = 0; col < lines.length - 1; col++) 
     data[ row ][ col ] = lines[ row ].charAt(col); 
    return data; 

    public static String[] getCypherLines(Scanner F) { 
    String[] lines = new String[0]; 
    String currentLine = F.nextLine(); 

    while ((currentLine.length() == 64) && 
     (lines.length <= 64) && 
     noEqualSigns(currentLine)) { 
     lines = push(lines, currentLine); 
     currentLine = F.nextLine(); 
    // I have a current line of cypher text I need to preserve. 
    return push(lines, currentLine); 

    public static void outputHeaderLines(Scanner F) { 
    String currentLine = ""; 

    do { 
     currentLine = F.nextLine(); 
    } while (! blank(currentLine)); 

    public static String[] push(String[] list, String item) { 
    String[] newList = new String[ list.length + 1]; 

    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) 
     newList[ i ] = list[ i ]; 
    newList[ list.length ] = item; 
    return newList; 

    public static boolean noEqualSigns(String line) { 
    // If they exist, they'll be at the end, so just check the 
    // last char 
    return line.charAt(line.length() - 1) != '='; 

    public static boolean blank(String line) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) 
     if ((line.charAt(i) != ' ') && 
     (line.charAt(i) != (char)9)) 
     return false; 
    return true; 


你的意思是<作爲參數的一部分嗎?如果是這樣的話,那麼它就像這樣:javac project1.java filename.txt \ < – JamesSugrue


如果你這樣做,你需要改變代碼中參數的順序。 – JamesSugrue




Java的罐子program.jar in.txt
用javac,你應該使用javac javaclass.java in.txt

而在程序代碼中,我應該使用args [0]作爲輸入文件名而不是args [1]
