這是question 14 in project euler,但我在創建循環時遇到了問題......但是拉出/計算了我從循環創建的數字。我目前正在通過PE學習如何使用python。Project Euler(Python)#14 - 從「if」循環中提取數據
import time # gets the time functionality
start = time.time() # starts the timer
def seq(x, count = 1): # This is a function, with the parameter of x and counting
seq = [x] # a data frame for the Collatz Sequence with x being placed in there
if x < 1:
return count
while x > 1:
count += 1
if x % 2 == 0: # determines if the number is even or not
x = x/2
x = (3 * x) + 1
seq.append(count) # adds all the answers generated to the seq data fram
max = [0,0] # define a new placeholder to "hold" the numbers you find, first[0] is number, and second[1] is length
for i in range(10):
c = seq(i)
if c > max[0]: # if the length is > 0 put the new length here (below)
max[0] = c
max[1] = i # once you know the length is greater, you can put the value in the box as well
elapsed = (time.time() - start)
print "The program found the number %s has the longest length at %s, in %s seconds" % (max[1], max[0], elapsed)
[1, 1]
[2, 2]
[3, 8]
[4, 3]
[5, 6]
[6, 9]
[7, 17]
[8, 4]
[9, 20]
然而,當我想提取使用max最大計數器(第二列)= [0,0]的數據幀,我不斷收到此錯誤:
The program found the number 0 has the longest length at 1, in 0.00015115737915 seconds
但數字不能爲0和1,因爲輸出(上面)對於計數器的最大值爲20 ...所以文本輸出應該是9和20.
那麼,爲什麼「返回計」讓我代碼工作,但「打印計數」不? – Chef1075 2014-11-03 20:45:26
因爲'print'和'return'做了完全不同的事情。沒有'return',當'c = seq(i)'執行時,'c'將被賦予'None'值,因此'如果c> max [0]'永遠不會成立。 – Kevin 2014-11-03 20:50:56