Python 3改變了如何對object.__new__
都會在收到任何多餘參數時拋出異常。在Python 2中,這會給出一個DeprecationWarning(默認禁止)。
不接受。 Python 2正在給你一個(壓制)警告,而Python 3正在使它成爲一個錯誤。
/* You may wonder why object.__new__() only complains about arguments
when object.__init__() is not overridden, and vice versa.
Consider the use cases:
1. When neither is overridden, we want to hear complaints about
excess (i.e., any) arguments, since their presence could
indicate there's a bug.
2. When defining an Immutable type, we are likely to override only
__new__(), since __init__() is called too late to initialize an
Immutable object. Since __new__() defines the signature for the
type, it would be a pain to have to override __init__() just to
stop it from complaining about excess arguments.
3. When defining a Mutable type, we are likely to override only
__init__(). So here the converse reasoning applies: we don't
want to have to override __new__() just to stop it from
4. When __init__() is overridden, and the subclass __init__() calls
object.__init__(), the latter should complain about excess
arguments; ditto for __new__().
Use cases 2 and 3 make it unattractive to unconditionally check for
excess arguments. The best solution that addresses all four use
cases is as follows: __init__() complains about excess arguments
unless __new__() is overridden and __init__() is not overridden
(IOW, if __init__() is overridden or __new__() is not overridden);
symmetrically, __new__() complains about excess arguments unless
__init__() is overridden and __new__() is not overridden
(IOW, if __new__() is overridden or __init__() is not overridden).
However, for backwards compatibility, this breaks too much code.
Therefore, in 2.6, we'll *warn* about excess arguments when both
methods are overridden; for all other cases we'll use the above
我可以問你爲什麼不使用'__new__'?這似乎是要走的路。 – TigerhawkT3
@ TigerhawkT3我現在:)但我仍然對此很好奇 – goncalopp