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<h1 class="h1 a"><a name="Details">Details</a></h1>
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<h2 class="Details">Details</h2>
<p class="ptags">Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola bacon tenderloin, venison landjaeger porchetta ham prosciutto frankfurter. Turkey ball tip jowl t-bone pastrami boudin salami, doner fatback cupim swine chicken cow biltong hamburger. Ham kevin hamburger meatloaf turducken shankle rump. Shankle andouille venison, kielbasa pork belly jerky biltong ham hock.</p>
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<img class="center-block"src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1577/26053634152_9a7d5b3580_m.jpg" alt="thirdimage">
<p class="ptags">Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola bacon tenderloin, venison landjaeger porchetta ham prosciutto frankfurter. Turkey ball tip jowl t-bone pastrami boudin salami, doner fatback cupim swine chicken cow biltong hamburger. Ham kevin hamburger meatloaf turducken shankle rump. Shankle andouille venison, kielbasa pork belly jerky biltong ham hock.</p>
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
<img class="center-block"src="http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7250/7445511584_9079770764_m.jpg" alt="thirdimage">
<p class="ptags">Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola bacon tenderloin, venison landjaeger porchetta ham prosciutto frankfurter. Turkey ball tip jowl t-bone pastrami boudin salami, doner fatback cupim swine chicken cow biltong hamburger. Ham kevin hamburger meatloaf turducken shankle rump. Shankle andouille venison, kielbasa pork belly jerky biltong ham hock.</p>
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12">
<img class="center-block"src="http://farm9.static.flickr.com/8540/8668499106_36a8b6cab8_m.jpg" alt="thirdimage">
<p class="ptags">Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola bacon tenderloin, venison landjaeger porchetta ham prosciutto frankfurter. Turkey ball tip jowl t-bone pastrami boudin salami, doner fatback cupim swine chicken cow biltong hamburger. Ham kevin hamburger meatloaf turducken shankle rump. Shankle andouille venison, kielbasa pork belly jerky biltong ham hock.</p>
分享你的HTML問題。你有沒有嘗試添加html類'img-responsiv''? – ZombieChowder
「在我的代碼中,我也使用bootrap」我認爲他指的是Bootstrap – ZombieChowder
也許你想要[this](https://jsfiddle.net/dofq9kwr/)這樣的東西? – Huelfe