2016-03-15 74 views



Option Explicit 

Public Function AvgVlookup(Target_Array As String, Lookup_Array As String, Column_Index As Long) As Double 

Dim Result As Double 
Dim Total As Double 
Dim Counter As Long 
Dim TargetRange As Range 
Dim LookupRange As Range 
Dim Cell As Range 

' Remove Absolute Indicator 
Target_Array = Replace(Target_Array, "$", "") 
Lookup_Array = Replace(Lookup_Array, "$", "") 

' Convert String to Range 
Set TargetRange = Range(Left(Target_Array, InStr(1, Target_Array, ":") - 1), Mid(Target_Array, InStr(1, Target_Array, ":") + 1)) 
Set LookupRange = Range(Left(Lookup_Array, InStr(1, Lookup_Array, ":") - 1), Mid(Lookup_Array, InStr(1, Lookup_Array, ":") + 1)) 

' Set Variables to 0 
Counter = 0 
Total = 0 

' For each cell in defined array 
For Each Cell In TargetRange 

' Vlookup the cell and save lookup value to Result variable 
    Result = Application.WorksheetFunction.vlookup(Cell, LookupRange, Column_Index, "False") 

' Update variables used to calculate average 
    Total = Total + Result 
    Counter = Counter + 1 

Next Cell 

' Perform calculation 
AvgVlookup = Total/Counter 

End Function 

Sub test() 

MsgBox AvgVlookup("A5:A8", "G5:H8", 2) 

End Sub 




有你放置一個破線的功能,並通過它踩線,由線在錯誤發生時通過向excactly評價? –


嗨斯科特。代碼本身沒有錯誤。我可以通過測試子來運行它,它會將我想要的結果返回到msgbox。它只是在我出於某種原因輸入它的單元格中返回這個錯誤。 – JaayB


*代碼本身沒有錯誤* ...然後... *只是在單元格中返回此錯誤* ...所以如果代碼沒有將值返回給單元格,那麼必須有代碼關閉。如果您在代碼中放置了一個斷點,然後在它所在的單元格中點擊「F2」,您可以一行一行地逐步查看它爲何返回錯誤消息。但我認爲@ScottCraner你照顧了:) –





Set TargetRange = Range(Target_Array) 




Public Function AvgVlookup(Target_Array As String, Lookup_Array As String, Column_Index As Long) As Double 

Dim Total As Double 
Dim Counter As Long 
Dim TargetRange As Range 
Dim LookupRange As Range 
Dim Cell As Range 

' Remove Absolute Indicator 
Target_Array = Replace(Target_Array, "$", "") 
Lookup_Array = Replace(Lookup_Array, "$", "") 

' Convert String to Range 
Set TargetRange = Range(Target_Array) 
Set LookupRange = Range(Lookup_Array) 

' Set Variables to 0 
Counter = 0 
Total = 0 

' For each cell in defined array 
For Each Cell In TargetRange 

' Vlookup the cell and save lookup value to Result variable 
    Dim Result 
    Result = Application.VLookup(Cell, LookupRange, Column_Index, "False") 
    If IsNumeric(Result) Then 
     Total = Total + Result 
     Counter = Counter + 1 
    End If 

Next Cell 

' Perform calculation 
AvgVlookup = Total/Counter 

End Function 

通過以上功能,從你需要調用它的工作表撥打電話:=AvgVlookup("A5:A8", "G5:H8", 2)


Public Function AvgVlookup(TargetRange As Range, LookupRange As Range, Column_Index As Long) As Double 

Dim Result As Double 
Dim Total As Double 
Dim Counter As Long 
Dim Cell As Range 

' Set Variables to 0 
Counter = 0 
Total = 0 

' For each cell in defined array 
For Each Cell In TargetRange 

' Vlookup the cell and save lookup value to Result variable 
    Dim t 
    t = Application.VLookup(Cell, LookupRange, Column_Index, "False") 
    If IsNumeric(t) Then 
     Total = Total + t 
     Counter = Counter + 1 
    End If 

Next Cell 

' Perform calculation 
AvgVlookup = Total/Counter 

End Function 


enter image description here


嗨斯科特,你的修改與我發佈的測試子工作。很高興知道我可以縮短我的代碼,但它仍然產生#Value!在工作表中使用時出錯。如果這對你有效,那麼我不確定它爲什麼會爲我產生錯誤。 – JaayB


看不到您的數據很難說。它對我有用。 @IIIBarcodeIII –


對不起,你說你在工作表中使用它?那麼我們需要改變一些東西。你稍等一會兒。 @IIIBarcodeIII –