我有一個願望腳本,它會產生,期望併發送並獲取所需的數據。 當我以ex.tcl的形式運行腳本時,它不起作用。Tcl/Tk:在期望腳本中嵌入期望發送腳本
package require Expect
proc openSession { targetHost } {
log_user 1
set user $::env(USER)
set password "tmp1234"
set timeout 60
set spawn_id ""
puts "Ssh to [email protected]$targetHost"
spawn ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected]$targetHost
match_max -i $spawn_id 99999
expect {
"\(yes\/no\)\? " { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
"password\:" { puts 2 ; send "$password\r" ; exp_continue }
"$ " { puts 3 ; send "\r" ; puts "Ssh Session ready" }
timeout { puts 4 ; set spawn_id "" ; puts "Timeout during ssh $targetHost" }
set timeout 10
return $spawn_id
proc closeSession { sshSess args } {
puts "Closing Ssh session..."
expect -i $sshSess "$ " { send -i $sshSess "exit\r" }
expect -i $sshSess "closed." { puts "Connection Closed" }
catch { exp_close -i $sshSess }
catch { exp_wait -i $sshSess }
set sessId [openSession testbng76]
grid [ttk::button .mybutton -text Mytext]
closeSession $sessId
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Error in startup script: wrong # args: should be "send ?options? interpName arg ?arg ...?"
while executing
"send "yes\r" "
invoked from within
"expect {
"\(yes\/no\)\? " { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
"password\:" { puts 2 ; send "$password\r" ; exp_continue }
"$ " { p..."
(procedure "openSession" line 12)
invoked from within
"openSession testbng76"
invoked from within
"set sessId [openSession testbng76]"
(file "./log.tcl" line 36)
幹得不錯,掛在spawn_id。您也可以在openSession和closeSession procs中將該變量聲明爲全局變量。 –