// To avoid conflicts with similarly named controllers, I find it to be good practice
// to create a route constraint with the set of all plugin names. If you don't have
// this function already, you should be able to access it with reflection (one time
// per app lifecycle) or you hard-code them. The point is to have a regex which ensures
// only valid plugins will get selected
string[] pluginNames = GetPluginNames();
string pluginNameRegex = string.Join("|",pluginNames);
Route pluginRoute = new Route (
url: "{pluginKey}/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: null,
constraints: new RouteValueDictionary(new { pluginKey = pluginNameRegex }),
routeHandler: new PluginRouteHandler()
// The custom route handler can modify your route data after receiving the RequestContext
// and then send it to the appropriate location. Here's an example (markdown code/untested)
// Note: You don't have to inherit from MvcRouteHandler (you could just implement IRouteHandler
// but I'm assuming you want Mvc functionality as the fallback)
public class PluginRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
public PluginRouteHandler(IControllerFactory controllerFactory)
: base(controllerFactory)
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext){
// we are going to remove the pluginKey from the RequestContext, It's probably wise
// to go ahead and add it to HttpContext.Items, in case you need the data later
requestContext.HttpContext.Items["pluginKey"] = requestContext.RouteData.Values["pluginKey"];
// now let's get ride of it, so your controller factory will process the
// requestContext as you have described.
// the route will now be interpreted as described so let the flow go to the MvcRouteHandler's method
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
static bool ValidatePluginRoute(RequestContext requestContext){
return requestContext.RouteData.ContainsKey("pluginKey");
您是否考慮過使用區域來託管您的插件?通過這種方式,您將擁有如下所示的內容:{areaName}/{controller}/{action}/{id} –
是的,但區域不是獨立的。應該創建一個插件作爲一個單獨的項目。 –
便攜區應該解決這個問題:http://lostechies.com/erichexter/2009/11/01/asp-net-mvc-portable-areas-via-mvccontrib/ –