2010-01-21 46 views






ASSOC .foo=FooFile 
FTYPE FooFile=X:\Foo\foo.exe %1 %* 


FTYPE FooFile= 
ASSOC .foo= 

編輯後刪除它們:我有現在嘗試一些可以讓您將關聯重新設置回默認值的東西。我把它放在my Subversion repo。在現階段它會生成兩個新的批處理文件:set.cmdreset.cmd;其中一個設置一個新的關聯,另一個反轉它。將set.cmd滾入實際的批次應該不會太困難,但它會使測試成爲地獄,所以我會把它作爲練習。


@echo off 
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion 
rem Debug flag. Generates a little more output; un-set if undesired 
set DEBUG=1 

rem Parse arguments and help 
if [%1]==[] goto Usage 
if [%2]==[] goto Usage 

rem Find out whether the association is taken 
for /f "usebackq tokens=2* delims==" %%x in (`assoc .%1 2^>nul`) do set assoc_old=%%x 
if defined DEBUG (
    if defined assoc_old (echo Association already defined: [%assoc_old%]) else (echo Association not yet taken) 

rem Find a new, unused association 
rem Note that we assume that we find one, eventually. This isn't guaranteed, but we'll ignore that for the moment 
rem Otherwise this loop might run forever 
    set assoc_new=My.%1.%RANDOM% 
    if defined DEBUG echo Trying new association (%assoc_new%) 
    assoc .%1 >nul 2>nul 
    if errorlevel 1 (
     set assoc_new= 
     if defined DEBUG echo Didn't work out 
    ) else (
     if defined DEBUG echo Found one! \o/ 
if not defined assoc_new goto loop 

if defined DEBUG echo Writing reset batch file 
echo @echo off>reset.cmd 
echo assoc .%1=%assoc_old%>>reset.cmd 
echo ftype %assoc_new%=>>reset.cmd 

if defined DEBUG echo Writing setting batch file 
echo @echo off>set.cmd 
echo assoc .%1=%assoc_new%>>set.cmd 
echo ftype %assoc_new%=%2 %%1>>set.cmd 

goto :eof 

echo. %~nx0 type command 
echo. type  is the file type to override, such as docx or txt. 
echo.   No dot before it is necessary. 
echo. command is the command to perform on that file. 
echo.   %%1 is automatically appended at the end. 
echo.   If the command includes spaces, surround it with quotes. 
echo. %~nx0 txt notepad 

exit /b 1 

這確實做的關聯,但並沒有解決重置協會回以前的應用程序的問題,但我打勾你反正是你的解決方案運作良好,對我來說足夠。 – soupagain 2010-01-31 13:10:19


@soup:啊,對不起。我沒有看過你的問題,就好像有一個以前的應用程序關聯。可能首先查詢以前的關聯並動態地寫入另一個批處理文件以恢復它。我會試試它是否夠簡單;只要堅持:-) – Joey 2010-01-31 13:12:05


@soup:編輯完畢;有一個批處理文件來測試。看起來,這不作爲非管理員用戶,但;可悲的是,這大大降低了它的價值。 – Joey 2010-01-31 17:42:03