2010-11-02 139 views


    alert('you pressed the a key!'); 

$(window).jkey('b c d',function(){ 
    alert('you pressed either the b, c, or d key!'); 


    alert('you pressed alt+n!'); 



(function($) { 
    $.fn.jkey = function(keyCombo,callback) { 
    if(keyCombo.indexOf(' ') > -1){ //If multiple keys are selected 
     var keySplit = keyCombo.split(' '); 
    else{ //Else just store this single key 
     var keySplit = [keyCombo]; 
    for(x in keySplit){ //For each key in the array... 

     if(keySplit[x].indexOf('+') > -1){ 
      //Key selection by user is a key combo... what now? 
      //Otherwise, it's just a normal, single key command 

      case 'a': 
       keySplit[x] = 65; 
      case 'b': 
       keySplit[x] = 66; 
      case 'c': 
       keySplit[x] = 67; 
      //And so on for all the rest of the keys 
    return this.each(function() { 
     $this = $(this); 
      if($.inArray(e.keyCode, keySplit) > -1){ //If the key the user pressed is matched with any key the developer set a key code with... 
       if(typeof callback == 'function'){ //and they provided a callback function 
        callback(); //trigger call back and... 
        e.preventDefault(); //cancel the normal 






(function($) { 
    $.fn.jkey = function(keyCombo,callback) { 

    // Save the key codes to JSON object 
    var keyCodes = { 
     'a' : 65, 
     'b' : 66, 
     'c' : 67, 
     'alt' : 18 

    var x = ''; 
    var y = ''; 

    if(keyCombo.indexOf(' ') > -1){ //If multiple keys are selected 
     var keySplit = keyCombo.split(' '); 
    else{ //Else just store this single key 
     var keySplit = [keyCombo]; 

    for(x in keySplit){ //For each key in the array... 

     if(keySplit[x].indexOf('+') > -1){ 
     //Key selection by user is a key combo 
     // Create a combo array and split the key combo 
     var combo = Array(); 
     var comboSplit = keySplit[x].split('+'); 

     // Save the key codes for each element in the key combo 
     for(y in comboSplit){ 
      combo[y] = keyCodes[ comboSplit[y] ]; 

     keySplit[x] = combo; 

     } else { 
     //Otherwise, it's just a normal, single key command 
     keySplit[x] = keyCodes[ keySplit[x] ]; 


    return this.each(function() { 
     $this = $(this); 

     // Create active keys array 
     // This array will store all the keys that are currently being pressed 
     var activeKeys = Array(); 


      // Save the current key press 
      activeKeys[ e.keyCode ] = e.keyCode; 

      if($.inArray(e.keyCode, keySplit) > -1){ // If the key the user pressed is matched with any key the developer set a key code with... 

      if(typeof callback == 'function'){ //and they provided a callback function 
       callback(); //trigger call back and... 
       e.preventDefault(); //cancel the normal 

      } else { // Else, the key did not match which means it's either a key combo or just dosn't exist 

      // Check if the individual items in the key combo match what was pressed 
      for(x in keySplit){ 
       if($.inArray(e.keyCode, keySplit[x]) > -1){ 

       // Initiate the active variable 
       var active = 'unchecked'; 

       // All the individual keys in the combo with the keys that are currently being pressed 
       for(y in keySplit[x]) { 
        if(active != false) { 
        if($.inArray(keySplit[x][y], activeKeys) > -1){ 
         active = true; 
        } else { 
         active = false; 

       // If all the keys in the combo are being pressed, active will equal true 
       if(active === true){ 
        if(typeof callback == 'function'){ //and they provided a callback function 
        callback(); //trigger call back and... 
        e.preventDefault(); //cancel the normal 

      } // end of if in array 

     }).keyup(function(e) { 
      // Remove the current key press 
      activeKeys[ e.keyCode ] = ''; 



您正在全局範圍內定義'x'。 – 2010-11-04 23:42:41


我認爲範圍問題可以通過像這樣定義x和y來解決:var x =''; var y =''; ? – sebnitu 2010-11-05 01:13:31


或者更好的是,我們可以通過在for語句中添加var來定義它們? for(var x in keySplit){... – sebnitu 2010-11-05 01:18:34



如果可以讓該函數識別您輸入的密鑰而不是文字密鑰的十六進制值(例如字母'n'的0x6E),則可以導出「alt + n」轉換爲的內容十六進制,並有該功能查找該值。


AWH,有趣的,生病了解更多。謝謝!另外,你有參考如何通過JS轉換它們?我還沒有谷歌搜索... – 2010-11-04 17:18:34



$(document).keypress(function(e) { 
    var key = String.fromCharCode(e.which); 
    var alt = e.altKey; 
    var ctrl = e.ctrlKey 
    var shift = e.shiftKey; 
    alert("Key:" + key + "\nAlt:" + alt + "\nCtrl:" + ctrl + "\nShift:" + shift); 



注意:顯然有一些瀏覽器使用的組合鍵。例如,Alt + F通常會打開Windows中的文件菜單。 Ctrl + N通常會啓動一個新窗口/選項卡。如果不是試圖覆蓋任何這些組合。

這裏有一個live demo爲您的測試樂趣。


那麼,我如何整合,但我怎麼整合它,以便任何組合將工作,例如shift + alt + f + d + s如果他們想要的話。就像我說的,這對我來說,但它也將公開發布,所以我仍然需要允許然後覆蓋像ctrl + t瀏覽器的默認值,雖然我從來不會:) – 2010-11-04 17:35:57


糟糕,那麼,那麼shift + alt + f,我如何將它集成到插件中,對不起 – 2010-11-04 17:39:02


你不能捕獲多個鍵,所以忘掉它。該活動每按一次鍵就會觸發一次。布爾指標簡單地告訴你當按下按鍵時是否按住Ctrl,Alt或Shift鍵。至於覆蓋瀏覽器的默認值,不,NO和** NO!** – 2010-11-04 17:39:08