void setup() {
void loop() {
int x = 0;
每當我試圖尋找和查看序列日誌不顯示任何東西,我在做什麼錯。我正在使用Arduino Leonardo,草圖編譯和上傳。
-----------------更新1 ---------------
// SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor and Serial LCD example 1
// By Sarah Al-Mutlaq 2015
// Sketch reads sensor and desplays level and whether soil is wet or dry
// Use the softwareserial library to create a new "soft" serial port
// for the display. This prevents display corruption when uploading code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Attach the serial display's RX line to digital pin 2
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3,2); // pin 2 = TX, pin 3 = RX (unused)
// Here we are setting up some water thersholds that we will
// use later. Note that you will need to change these to match
// your soil type and environment.
int thresholdUp = 400;
int thresholdDown = 250;
// We are setting up the pin A0 on the redboard to be our sensor
// pin input:
int sensorPin = A0;
void setup(){
mySerial.begin(9600); // set up serial port for 9600 baud (speed)
delay(500); // wait for display to boot up
void loop(){
// Here we are declaring a string, which are lines of words,
// and we want DisplayWords to be the words displayed on
// the LCD screen, which will change based on whether the soil
// wet or dry based on our threshold values above.
String DisplayWords;
// We need to set up a pin to get the value that the soil
// moisture sensor is outputting, so sensorValue will get the
// analog value from the sensor pin A0 on the redboard that we
// set up earlier.
int sensorValue;
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// move cursor to beginning of first line on LCD:
// clear display:
mySerial.write(" ");
mySerial.write(" ");
// move cursor to beginning of first line of the LCD screen:
//Write what we want to desplay on the screen:
mySerial.write("Water Level: ");
mySerial.print(sensorValue); //Using .print instead of .write for values
// Now we are going to check if the water level is below a
// out thresholdDown value we set earlier, and if it is have
// words "Dry, Water it!" display one column over on the first
// row:
if (sensorValue <= thresholdDown){
// move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:
DisplayWords = "Dry, Water it!";
// If the value is not below our thresholdDown value we want to
// check if it is above our thresholdUp value, and if it is
// change the display words to "Wet, Leave it!":
} else if (sensorValue >= thresholdUp){
// move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:
DisplayWords = "Wet, Leave it!";
// Otherwise if it is inbetween the two values we want it to
// the display it had, so if our soil was really wet and drying
// the words would only change to "Dry, Water it!" when it got to the lower threshold
// (thresholdDown), but if it was dry and getting wetter the words
// would only change to "Wet, Leave it!" when it got to the upper
// threshold (thresholdUp_):
} else {
// move cursor to beginning of second line on LCD:
delay(500); //wait for half a second, so it is easier to read
請參閱更新之一 – Drew1208
@ Drew1208完全根據看到您的LCD控制改變了我的答案。 – TomServo