2015-11-01 23 views

我想驗證一下:僅限數字輸入,小時必須是< = 24,分鐘必須是< 60,用戶必須在hh:mm之間輸入':'符號。如何驗證此Java代碼的用戶輸入?

int total; //Total Minutes 
    String time; //Input from keyboard 

    final Scanner T = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.print("Enter the time in HH:MM :"); 
    time = T.next(); 

    //Get the value before the ':' 
    int hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, time.indexOf(':'))); 

    //Get the value after the ':' 
    int minute =Integer.parseInt (time.substring((time.indexOf(':') + 1), time.length())); 

    //Formula of the calculation 
    total = hour * 60 + minute; 

    //Display the final value 
    System.out.println(time +" is " + total + " minutes."); 

[常規匹配HH表達:MM時間格式]的可能的複製:(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7536755/regular-expression-可以通過編輯上述代碼,以如下這樣做for-matching-hhmm-time-format) – Thevenin


你現在不會想要一個24:53的時間,是嗎?那麼爲什麼<= 24而不是<24?另外,是否允許一位數的小時? – laune


對不起<=我的錯誤,但格式必須是hh:mm。 – Flipz



按照你的格式,用戶必須輸入與時間 ':' 在第三個字符位置charAt(2)和其餘字符(索引0,1,3和4)必須是數字。一個非常快速實施和良好的學習解決方案是使用正則表達式:http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html


  1. 驗證長度在5
  2. 驗證時間是正確的
  3. 確認分鐘是正確的
  4. 詢問用戶如果有什麼不正確,重新輸入值


int total; // Total Minutes 
    String time; // Input from keyboard 

    final Scanner T = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.print("Enter the time in HH:MM :"); 
    time = T.next(); 

    boolean correctFormat = false; 
    int hour = 0, minute = 0; 

    while (!correctFormat) { 
     correctFormat = true; 

     if (time.length() != 5) 
      correctFormat = false; 
     else { 

      // Get the value before the ':' 
      hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2)); 
      if (hour >= 24 || hour < 0) 
       correctFormat = false; 

      // Get the value after the ':' 
      minute = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3, 5)); 
      if (minute >= 60 || minute < 0) 
       correctFormat = false; 
     if (!correctFormat) { 
      System.out.print("Pleaase follow the format! Enter the time in HH:MM :"); 
      time = T.next(); 


    // Formula of the calculation 
    total = hour * 60 + minute; 

    // Display the final value 
    System.out.println(time + " is " + total + " minutes."); 


int total; // Total Minutes 
    String time; // Input from keyboard 

    final Scanner T = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.print("Enter the time in HH:MM :"); 
    time = T.next(); 

    boolean correctFormat = false; 
    int hour = 0, minute = 0; 

    while (!correctFormat) { 
     correctFormat = true; 

     if (time.length() != 5) 
      correctFormat = false; 
     else { 
      try { 
       hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2)); 
       minute = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3, 5)); 
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) { 
       correctFormat = false; 
      if (correctFormat) { 
       if (hour >= 24 || hour < 0) 
        correctFormat = false; 

       if (minute >= 60 || minute < 0) 
        correctFormat = false; 
     if (!correctFormat) { 
      System.out.print("Pleaase follow the format! Enter the time in HH:MM :"); 
      time = T.next(); 

    // Formula of the calculation 
    total = hour * 60 + minute; 

    // Display the final value 
    System.out.println(time + " is " + total + " minutes."); 

由於輸入無效,您的代碼會遇到異常,因此這並不是真正的驗證。 – laune


好的,趕上:) – Bimde





int hour = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 2)); 
int minute = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(3));