Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'YESNO' was corrupted.
void Mesh_equations(float a,float b,float c,float d,float e,float f){
char YESNO[1]; //define variables.
int loop=0; //loop set to zero.
while(loop==0){ //while loop initiated whilst loop is equal to zero.
cout <<"\nDo you want to display your coefficients for the mesh equations...(y/n)?";
cin>>YESNO; //prompt and cin.
if (YESNO[0] == 'Y' || YESNO[0] == 'y'){ //if cin is 'Y' or 'y'
cout<<"Loop One:\n(" <<a <<")" <<"Ix + (" <<b <<")" <<"Iy = (" <<e <<")" <<endl
<<"Loop Two:\n(" <<c <<")" <<"Ix + (" <<d <<")" <<"Iy = (" <<f <<")" <<endl<<endl
<<setw(5)<<" Where ;\n"
<<setw(5)<<"A ="<<a<<endl
<<setw(5)<<"B ="<<b<<endl
<<setw(5)<<"C ="<<c<<endl
<<setw(5)<<"D ="<<d<<endl
<<setw(5)<<"E ="<<e<<endl ////set the field width to 5 characters.
<<setw(5)<<"F ="<<f <<endl<<endl; //display.
loop=1; //loop is 1, while loop passed.
else if(YESNO[0] == 'N' || YESNO[0] == 'n'){ //if 'N' or 'n', while loop passed.
else{ //if neither y or n is enterred input must be incorrect.
cout <<"bad answer, try again\n";
Beep (600,100);
loop=0; //loop is zero, while loop continues.
感謝 Houlahan。
這不會防止腐敗如果有人輸入更長的響應時間...嘗試使用字符串,而不是http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/ – Poodlehat 2012-03-06 20:04:23
我同意,輸入可以實際上限制使用setw像:cin >> setw(3)>> YESNO; to allo是,No等 – marcinj 2012-03-06 20:09:08