2017-12-18 94 views



Name house_number address subincome financial_year gtax htax LTAX 
Bala 22   Mumbai Garbage tax 2015-2016  200 NULL NULL 
Bala 22   Mumbai Garbage tax 2016-2017  250 NULL NULL 
Bala 22   Mumbai House tax 2015-2016  NULL 0  NULL 
Bala 22   Mumbai House tax 2016-2017  NULL 145 NULL 
Bala 22   Mumbai Light tax 2015-2016  NULL NULL 510 
Bala 22   Mumbai Light tax 2016-2017  NULL NULL 200 


Name house_number address gtax htax LTAX 
Bala 22    Mumbai  450  145  710 

將您的結果粘貼爲文本而不是圖像。有些人看不到圖像。 –


鏈接是圖像而不是sqlfiddle。 –


@ P.Salmon是的,我更新請檢查。 –




SELECT c.consumer_name as Name, c.house_number, c.address, 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Garbage tax' THEN f.garbage_tax else 0 end) - 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Garbage tax' THEN h.rupees else 0 END) as gtax, 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'House tax' THEN f.house_tax else 0 end) - 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'House tax' THEN h.rupees else 0 END) as htax, 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Light tax' THEN f.light_tax else 0 end) - 
sum(CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Light tax' THEN h.rupees else 0 END) as LTAX 
from house_details h 
INNER JOIN financial_year f ON h.financial_year = f.year AND h.house_id = f.house_number 
INNER JOIN consumer_details c ON h.house_id = c.house_number AND h.financial_year != '2017-2018' 
group by c.consumer_name , c.house_number, c.address 


| Name | house_number | address | gtax | htax | LTAX | 
| Bala | 22   | Mumbai | 450 | 145 | 710 | 
1 row in set (0.03 sec) 


select c.consumer_name as Name, s.house_number, c.address, 
     sum(case when subincome = 'garbage tax' then taxdue else 0 end) - sum(case when subincome = 'garbage tax' then taxpaid else 0 end) as gtax, 
     sum(case when subincome = 'house tax' then taxdue else 0 end) - sum(case when subincome = 'house tax' then taxpaid else 0 end) as htax, 
     sum(case when subincome = 'light tax' then taxdue else 0 end) - sum(case when subincome = 'light tax' then taxpaid else 0 end) as ltax 
SELECT F.`house_number`, F.`year`, F.`house_tax` taxdue, F.`createdAt`, F.`updatedAt`,ifnull(h.subincome,'house_tax') subincome,ifnull(H.RUPEES,0) taxpaid 
LEFT JOIN house_details H ON H.HOUSE_ID = F.HOUSE_NUMBER AND H.SUBINCOME = 'house tax' and f.year = h.financial_year 
#where f.house_number = 22 
union all 
SELECT F.`house_number`, F.`year`, F.`light_tax`, F.`createdAt`, F.`updatedAt`,ifnull(h.subincome,'light tax'),ifnull(H.RUPEES,0) 
LEFT JOIN house_details H ON H.HOUSE_ID = F.HOUSE_NUMBER AND H.SUBINCOME = 'light tax' and f.year = h.financial_year 
#where f.house_number = 2 
union all 
SELECT F.`house_number`, F.`year`, F.`garbage_tax`, F.`createdAt`, F.`updatedAt`,ifnull(h.subincome,'garbage tax'),ifnull(H.RUPEES,0) 
LEFT JOIN house_details H ON H.HOUSE_ID = F.HOUSE_NUMBER AND H.SUBINCOME = 'garbage tax' and f.year = h.financial_year 
#where f.house_number = 2 
) s 
join consumer_details c on s.house_number = c.house_number 
where s.year <> '2017-2018' 
group by c.consumer_name , s.house_number, c.address 

謝謝三文魚。 –


請檢查更新的答案。順便說一句,你可能想改變一些你的表和列的名字,使它們更有意義。 –


你能解釋一下用什麼納稅領域。 –



SELECT name 
    , house_number 
    , address 
    , SUM(gtax) as gtax 
    , SUM(htax) as htax 
FROM (SELECT c.consumer_name as Name 
      , c.house_number 
      , c.address,h.subincome 
      , h.financial_year 
      , CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Garbage tax' THEN f.garbage_tax - sum(h.rupees)END as gtax 
      , CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'House tax' THEN f.house_tax - sum(h.rupees) END as htax 
      , CASE WHEN h.subincome = 'Light tax' THEN f.light_tax - sum(h.rupees) END as LTAX 
     FROM house_details h 
      INNER JOIN financial_year f ON h.financial_year = f.year AND h.house_id = f.house_number 
      INNER JOIN consumer_details c ON h.house_id = c.house_number AND h.financial_year != '2017-2018' 
     GROUP BY h.subincome, h.financial_year) as main 
GROUP BY house_number 

那麼結果是: Screenshot of result