2012-12-25 58 views


NSDictionary *dic2 =[[NSDictionary alloc] init];   
    NSDictionary *dic1 =[[NSDictionary alloc] init]; 
    [dic1 setValue:@"Vinod" forKey:@"fname"]; 
    [dic2 setValue:@"vishw" forKey:@"lname"]; 

    [dic2 setValue:@"Tazeen" forKey:@"fname"]; 

    [dic2 setValue:@"momin" forKey:@"lname"]; 

    NSMutableArray *arr =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:dic1,dic2, nil]; 

    NSLog(@"inside the view did load"); 

    NSMutableArray *arr2=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 

    for (int i=0; i<[arr count]; i++) 
     NSString *str =[arr objectAtIndex:i]; 

     NSLog(@"inside the loop"); 

     [arr2 addObject:str]; 

    // NSArray *arr =[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:str, nil]; 
     if ([arr2 containsObject:@"vinod"]) 
      NSLog(@"first name found in the array"); 



使用NSPredicate .. –


如何通過CA你在不可變的Dictionary中添加對象嗎? –


看到我的回答.... –





NSMutableDictionary *dic2 =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; 
NSMutableDictionary *dic1 =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; 
[dic1 setValue:@"Vinod" forKey:@"fname"]; 
[dic2 setValue:@"vishw" forKey:@"lname"]; 

[dic2 setValue:@"Tazeen" forKey:@"fname"]; 

[dic2 setValue:@"momin" forKey:@"lname"]; 

NSMutableArray *arr =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:dic1,dic2, nil]; 

for (NSDictionary *dictObj in arr) { 
    if ([[dictObj valueForKey:@"fname"]isEqualToString:@"Vinod"]) { 
     NSLog(@"name found"); 

OK ...也許一個完全重寫是爲了。你的代碼是錯綜複雜的,在一些地方顯然是錯誤的,我在下面提到。

NSMutableDictionary *dic1 =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; //Your dictionary needs to 
//be mutable, otherwise it will throw exceptions. 
//NSDictionary is immutable. 
NSMutableDictionary *dic2 =[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; 
[dic1 setValue:@"Vinod" forKey:@"fname"]; 
[dic1 setValue:@"vishw" forKey:@"lname"]; 

[dic2 setValue:@"Tazeen" forKey:@"fname"]; 
[dic2 setValue:@"momin" forKey:@"lname"]; 

//Add all the values from the dictionaries into one master array. 
NSMutableArray *arr =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; 
[arr addObjectsFromArray:[dic1 allValues]]; 
[arr addObjectsFromArray:[dic2 allValues]]; 

NSLog(@"inside the view did load"); 

//load those values into a set for faster lookup 
NSSet *set = [[NSSet alloc]initWithArray:arr]; 

//For-in the values. Fast enumeration is a lot better at this than c-loops 
for (NSString *value in arr) { 
    if ([set containsObject:@"Vinod"]) { 
     NSLog(@"first name found in the array"); 

它的不可改變的字典,不是嗎? –


是的,它們是不可變的......哇,這有問題。 – CodaFi



NSDictionary *dic2 =[[NSDictionary alloc] init]; 
NSDictionary *dic1 =[[NSDictionary alloc] init]; 
[dic1 setValue:@"Vinod" forKey:@"fname"]; 
[dic2 setValue:@"vishw" forKey:@"lname"]; 

[dic2 setValue:@"Tazeen" forKey:@"fname"]; 

[dic2 setValue:@"momin" forKey:@"lname"]; 

NSMutableArray *arr =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:dic1,dic2, nil]; 

NSLog(@"inside the view did load"); 

[arr enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { 

    if ([[obj valueForKey:@"fname"] isEqual:@"Vinod"]) { 

     NSLog(@"Found it!"); 

     *stop = YES; 



您無法將值添加到NSDictionary:D,第3行和第4行中的錯誤再次檢查。 –


「試試這個: -

NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"fname = %@",@"Vinod]; 
    NSMutableArray *aMutArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:aYourArray]; 
    [aMutArray filterUsingPredicate:predicate]; 
    NSMutableDictionary *aDictTemp = [aMutArray objectAtIndex:0]; 

通常NSPredicate來篩選出數組或對數組內尋找更​​多的信息檢查。此鏈接: -



上面你接受的答案是一樣的,但你不必經過每一個對象請參考鏈接。 – Leena