Symfony 1.4使用phpDocumentor(幾乎)肯定。
我從來沒有試過薩米,但我想它可以在Symfony 1.4上工作。
* This is the short description for a DocBlock.
* This is the long description for a DocBlock. This text may contain
* multiple lines and even some _markdown_.
* * Markdown style lists function too
* * Just try this out once
* The section after the long description contains the tags; which provide
* structured meta-data concerning the given element.
* @author Mike van Riel <[email protected]>
* @since 1.0
* @param int $example This is an example function/method parameter description.
* @param string $example2 This is a second example.
我的Symfony 2.0拿了random class:
* Renders a Controller and returns the Response content.
* Note that this method generates an esi:include tag only when both the standalone
* option is set to true and the request has ESI capability (@see Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpCache\ESI).
* Available options:
* * attributes: An array of request attributes (only when the first argument is a controller)
* * query: An array of request query parameters (only when the first argument is a controller)
* * ignore_errors: true to return an empty string in case of an error
* * alt: an alternative controller to execute in case of an error (can be a controller, a URI, or an array with the controller, the attributes, and the query arguments)
* * standalone: whether to generate an esi:include tag or not when ESI is supported
* * comment: a comment to add when returning an esi:include tag
* @param string $controller A controller name to execute (a string like BlogBundle:Post:index), or a relative URI
* @param array $options An array of options
* @return string The Response content
而且an other one從symfony的1.4:
* Initializes this sfRequest.
* Available options:
* * formats: The list of supported format and their associated mime-types
* * path_info_key: The path info key (default to PATH_INFO)
* * path_info_array: The path info array (default to SERVER)
* * relative_url_root: The relative URL root
* * http_port: The port to use for HTTP requests
* * https_port: The port to use for HTTPS requests
* @param sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher An sfEventDispatcher instance
* @param array $parameters An associative array of initialization parameters
* @param array $attributes An associative array of initialization attributes
* @param array $options An associative array of options
* @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise false
* @throws <b>sfInitializationException</b> If an error occurs while initializing this sfRequest
* @see sfRequest
2012-08-03 07:31:13
謝謝! DocBlock是用註釋記錄文件的標準方式嗎? – JavierIEH 2012-08-03 15:46:42
我想,是的。我一直使用它(即使在JavaScript中)。 – j0k 2012-08-03 15:49:09