Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
'Create a string variable to hold your sql command string
Dim strSQL As String
'Fill the variable with your sql command, plucking values out of your
'form as shown using the Me. operator. When using text values in your
'string, wrap them with the Chr(34)'s, which will insert quotation marks in
'your sql string when it's resolved.
strSQL = "UPDATE F SET F.F5 = " & Chr(34) & yourtextvaluehere & Chr(34) & _
" WHERE F1=" & Me.txtF1 & _
" AND F2=" & Me.txtF2 & _
" AND F3=" & Me.txtF3 & _
" AND F4=" & Chr(34) & Me.txtF4 & Chr(34)
'Execute the sql statement you've built against the database
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbSeeChanges + dbFailOnError
End Sub
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_只是幫助完成code_?你是否用一張白紙走進課堂,並要求你的老師給你答案?嘗試解決問題,如果您的代碼存在特定問題,請返回此處。 – Takarii