ab1 ab2 ab3 ab5 ab6 ac1 ac2 ac3 ac4 ac5 ac6 ac7 ac8 ac9 xy1 xy2 xy3 xy4 xy5 xy6 xy7 xy8 xy9 xy10 xy11
ac1 ac4 ac5 ac6 ac7 ac8 xy2 xy3 xy4 xy5 xy6
做A之後 - B模式變得像:
ab1 ab2 ab3 ab5 xy1 ab6 ac2 ac3 xy7 xy9 xy8 xy10 xy11 ac9
ab1 ab2 ab3 ab5 ab6 ac2 ac3 ac9 xy1 xy7 xy8 xy9 xy10 xy11
ab1 ab2 ab3 are in sequnce so for this part 1st value = ab1 and last value = ab3
ab5 ab6 --- first value = ab5 and last value ab6
ac2 ac3 --- first value = ac2 and last value = ac3
ac9 --- first value and last value same = ac9
xy1 --- first value and last value same = xy1
xy7 xy8 xy9 xy10 xy11 --- first value = xy7 and last value = xy7 and last value = xy11
這正是我想要的生產代碼。 –