銀行u nneeded支付2007年4月10日至 2007-10-04 銀行不需要支付
檢查當前的令牌(%% a)是DD.MM.YYYY格式的日期(沒有,是否有任何有效的檢查!)。如果它找到一個日期,它應該創建一個新的字符串(yyyy-mm-dd),並採取所有其他標記來構建一個新的文件名並重命名當前文件。
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem *******************************
rem this is used to get the path of the currently used folder.
(set foldername=%1)
rem this overwrites the foldername with the "%~dp1 - expands %1 to a drive letter and path only"
call set foldername=%%~dp1
rem now we have to check how many files we find in our folder
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir /a:-d /b "%%foldername%%\*.*"`) do set /a dirCnt+=1
rem this version works for folders without spaces (C:\scripttest) (no "")
rem for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir /a:-d /b %%foldername%%\*.*`) do set /a dirCnt+=1
rem when we don't find any files with the old date format in the folder, we will abort the batch
IF (%dirCnt%) EQU (0) (
echo No files found in folder "%foldername%". Exiting.
echo Found %dirCnt% files in folder "%foldername%".
rem now we start to finally do stuff!
set tmpCnt=0
set tmp2Cnt=0
rem we will go over each FILE here
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir /a:-d /b "%foldername%\*.*"`) do (
set /a tmpCnt+=1
call echo Proceed file %%tmpCnt%% from %%dirCnt%%: %%i.
rem here we need to find IF there is a date in format dd.mm.yyyy available
rem here we go over each PART of that file, automatically split by " " removing the ending (~n)
for %%a in (%%~ni) do (
rem SET "var="&for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%i in ("%%a") do set var=%%i
rem if defined var (echo %%a is NOT numeric) else (echo %%a is numeric)
echo %%a
rem this echos only the file extension including the . = ".doc" or ".pdf"
echo %%~xi
rem echo %%a
rem IF NOT, jump to next file!
rem we copy the dd, mm and yyyy to different variables
rem we build a new variable with yyyy-mm-dd
rem we remove the old date format (dd.mm.yyyy) and add the new date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to the file as prefix
rem if this worked, we add 1 to the count!
set /a tmp2Cnt+=1
rem set "filename=%%~nf"
rem ren "%%f" "!filename:~0,-4!%%~xf"
rem for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a-d *.txt') do ren "%%~i" "%%~ni 1.1%%~xi"
call echo process finished without errors - %%tmp2Cnt%% from %%dirCnt%% files processed, check folders for results!
嗨! 非常感謝!這就像一個魅力!我改了一下,所以我可以在sendme文件夾中使用它,但它的工作非常好,而不需要對提交的代碼進行任何更改!所有文件都被檢查,如果他們有一個有效的日期日期將被重新格式化和重命名。 謝謝,幫了很多! 另外:我永遠不會得到它使用這麼少的字符! – mschmidt
剛剛編輯你的問題標題,以減少羅嗦;-) – LotPings