我正在使用一個XML序列化程序,我試圖序列化一個類。 xml爲以下類提供了一個空節點。當我將鍵和值列表設置爲公共時,則統一會凍結。難以得到一個類序列化
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools
public class CerealDictionary<Key, Value> //: IEnumerable
private List<Key> keys = new List<Key>();
private List<Value> values = new List<Value>();
public CerealDictionary(){}
public Value this[Key k]
int count = keys.IndexOf(k);
return values[count];
}//getters and setters for indexers :)
int count = keys.IndexOf(k);
if (count>-1){values[count]=value;}
else//if the index doesnt exist, then we should make a new one :)
public void Add(Key key, Value value)
//if (keys.Contains(key)){return;}
public void Remove(Key key)
if (!keys.Contains(key)){return;}
int index = keys.IndexOf(key);
public bool TryGetValue(Key key, out Value value)
if (keys.Count != values.Count)
value = default(Value);
return false;
if (!keys.Contains(key))
value = default(Value);
return false;
int index = keys.IndexOf(key);
value = values[index];
return true;
public bool TryGetKey(Value value, out Key key)
if (keys.Count != values.Count)
key = default(Key);
return false;
if (!values.Contains(value))
key = default(Key);
return false;
int index = values.IndexOf(value);
key = keys[index];
return true;
public bool getGroup(Key key, out List<Value> thisValues)
thisValues = new List<Value>();
if (keys.IndexOf(key)==-1){return false;}
foreach(Key keyTemp in keys)
int index = keys.IndexOf(keyTemp);
return true;
public void ChangeValue(Key key, Value value)
if (!keys.Contains(key)){return;}
int index = keys.IndexOf(key);
values[index] = value;
public int length()
return keys.Count;
// IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
// {
// return getEnumerator(keys,values);
// }
// private Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionaryEnumerator<Value> getEnumerator()
// {
// return new CerealDictionaryEnumerator<Value>(values);
// }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
public class StringSerializer {//for object to string serialization
public static string convertToString<t>(t workObject)
{//changes object to string
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(workObject.GetType());
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
return stringWriter.ToString();
public static t convertFromString<t>(System.Type buildType,string buildString)
TextReader stringReader = new StringReader(buildString);
XmlSerializer xmlSerlializer = new XmlSerializer(buildType);
return (t)xmlSerlializer.Deserialize(stringReader);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
public class ExampleBoard : IBoardData {
public override List<Piece> pieces { get;set;}//position number, game piece
public override Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int,BookInformation> books {get;set;}//number of books, book number
public override Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int,int> rooms {get;set;}//position, room number. It details the relationship between positions and rooms
public override Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 boardDimensions{get;set;}
public override Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 boardSize{get;set;}
public override int bookTotal{get;set;}
public override int roomSize{get;set;}
public ExampleBoard(){}//serialization....sigh
public override void set()
boardDimensions = new Grimoire.Tools.Vector2(2,2);
boardSize = new Grimoire.Tools.Vector2(968,968);
roomSize = 484;
books = new Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int,BookInformation>();
bookTotal = books.length();
pieces = new List<Piece>();
rooms = new Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int, int>();
populateRoom (boardSize);
public override void saveSize(Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 size)
populateRoom (size);
boardSize = getBoardSize(size);
boardDimensions = size;
private Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 getBoardSize(Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 size)
return new Grimoire.Tools.Vector2((float)(size.x*roomSize),(float)((size.y*roomSize)));
public override void save(){}// needs to be here.
private void populateRoom(Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 size)//position number, room number
int count = (int)(size.x*size.y);
double roomCount = 0;
int positionCount = -1;
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
roomCount += 0.25;
positionCount +=1;
private void populateBooks()// number of books, book name.
books.Add (1,new BookInformation(9,0,1));
books.Add (2,new BookInformation(9,1,2));
books.Add (3,new BookInformation(9,2,3));
books.Add (4,new BookInformation(9,3,4));
books.Add (5,new BookInformation(9,4,5));
books.Add (6,new BookInformation(9,5,6));
books.Add (7,new BookInformation(9,6,7));
books.Add (8,new BookInformation(9,7,8));
books.Add (9,new BookInformation(9,8,9));
public override int getBookPosition(int bookNumber)
for(int i=1;i<books.length()+1;i++)
if (books[i].type==bookNumber){return books[i].key;}
return 0;
private void populatePieces()// piece position, piece. Change the pieces to something else later
pieces.Add (new Piece(1,"start",-1f));//start
pieces.Add (new Piece(1,"apprentice",-1.1f));//player
//_pieces.Add (new Piece(2,"apprentice",-1.1f));
pieces.Add (new Piece(7,"right wall",-1f));//a box maybe
pieces.Add (new Piece(8,"exit",-1f));//exit
pieces.Add (new Piece(13,"gargoyle",-1.1f));
public override int getRoomFromPosition(int position)
int room;
rooms.TryGetKey(position-1,out room);
return room;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Level xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<board xsi:type="ExampleBoard">
<name>right wall</name>
<books />
<rooms />
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public abstract class IBoardData
{//this was an interface, but those cant be serialized easily
[XmlIgnore]public virtual List<Piece> pieces { get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit pieces");}set{}}//position number, game piece
[XmlIgnore]public virtual Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int,BookInformation> books { get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit books");}set{}}//number of books, book name
[XmlIgnore]public virtual Grimoire.Tools.CerealTools.CerealDictionary<int,int> rooms{ get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit rooms");}set{}}
public virtual void save(){throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit save");}
[XmlIgnore]public virtual Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 boardDimensions{get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit boardDimensions");}set{}}
[XmlIgnore]public virtual Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 boardSize{get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit boardSize");}set{}}
[XmlIgnore]public virtual int bookTotal{get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit bookTotal");}set{}}
public virtual int getRoomFromPosition(int pos){throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit getRoomPosition");}
[XmlIgnore]public virtual int roomSize{get{throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit roomSize");}set{}}
public virtual int getBookPosition(int bookNumber){throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit getBookPosition");}
public virtual void saveSize(Grimoire.Tools.Vector2 size){throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit saveSize");}
public virtual void set(){throw new UnityException("Class doesn't inherit set");}
也許你應該顯示你用來序列化的代碼?既然那是凍結的代碼? –
編輯,添加任何可能有用的東西。 – user42537
可能不是問題,但我相信'XmlSerializer'不需要(實際上忽略)'Serializable'屬性 – vesan