我設置了Google Analytics事件來跟蹤出站鏈接。我跟着the tutorial on Google's site。Google Analytics出站鏈接跟蹤中沒有「標籤」
我遇到的問題是'url'參數(事件標籤)沒有在Google Analytics中被跟蹤。 'outbound'和'click'都可以在ga()調用中正常工作。如果我在ga()調用之前提醒()線上的'url'變量,它會成功地將它提醒到屏幕。
爲什麼類別(出站)和動作(點擊)工作得很好。但是,標籤(var url)不會顯示在Google Analytics中?
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function initExternalLinkLogging() {
// ':external' is from here and works great: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1227631/using-jquery-to-check-if-a-link-is-internal-or-external
externalLinks = jQuery("a:external");
jQuery(externalLinks).click(function() {
function trackOutboundLink(url) {
// This is the triggered on each outbound link click successfully
// 'url' has the correct value, but is not showing up in Google Analytics
try {
ga('send', 'event', 'outbound', 'click', url, {
'hitCallback': function() {
document.location = url;
} catch (err) {
// Do nothing for now