data Set a = Insert a (Set a) | EmptySet
instance (Show a) => Show (Set a) where
show x = "{" ++ show' x ++ "}" where
show' (Insert x EmptySet) = show x
show' (Insert x xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ show' xs
instance Eq a => Eq (Set a) where
(Insert x xs) == (Insert y ys) = (x == y) && (xs == ys)
memberSet::Eq a =>a->Set a->Bool
memberSet _ EmptySet = False
memberSet x (Insert y ys)
| x == y = True
| otherwise = memberSet x ys
subSet::Eq a=>Set a->Set a->Bool
subSet EmptySet _ = True
subSet (Insert a as) bs
| memberSet a bs = subSet as bs
| otherwise = False
No instance for (Eq a)
arising from a use of `=='
In the expression: (x == y)
In a stmt of a pattern guard for
an equation for `memberSet':
(x == y)
In an equation for `memberSet':
memberSet x (Insert y ys)
| (x == y) = True
| otherwise = memberSet x ys
Failed, modules loaded: none.
memberSet::a->Set a->Bool
memberSet _ EmptySet = False
memberSet x (Insert y ys)
| x == y = True
| otherwise = memberSet x ys
subSet::Set a->Set a->Bool
subSet EmptySet _ = True
subSet (Insert a as) bs
| memberSet a bs = subSet as bs
| otherwise = False
你給我typechecks的代碼。你要離開什麼? – bdonlan 2011-12-17 23:33:45
我懷疑涉及範圍或名稱的某種相當微妙的錯誤,因爲給出的代碼似乎很好。 – 2011-12-17 23:36:40
我的問題還不清楚。代碼是編譯。我想知道爲什麼它不能用編輯的「memberset」和「subset」類型上下文進行編譯。 – 2011-12-17 23:37:36