> memory <- setRefClass(
+ Class = "memory",
+ fields = list(state="vector"),
+ methods = list(
+ get = function() { return(state) },
+ set = function(x) { state <<- x }
+ )
> memory$set(123)
> print(memory)
Reference class object of class "memory"
Field "state":
[1] 123
> memory$get()
[1] 123
> print(memory)
Reference class object of class "memory"
Field "state":
Error in methods::show(field(fi)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'show': Error in get(name, envir = .self) :
unused argument(s) (name, envir = .self)
在所有的可能性,有'GET'是某種保留名稱做;如果我將'get'重命名爲'get.state'之類的其他東西,那麼你的代碼就可以工作。 – flodel 2012-08-05 11:48:52
啊太好了。不會讓我過於舒服,'setRefClass'不會爲此發出警告。 – Jeroen 2012-08-05 22:27:19