我已經嘗試使用不同的模式,如「w +」,「a」和「a +」,看看這些是否能解決問題,但到目前爲止,我不斷收到錯誤消息。我也嘗試過「%name」 - 字符串,但那也沒有奏效。我的代碼如下,任何幫助將不勝感激。
import urllib
import urllib2
def earmilk():
SongList = []
SongStrings = []
SongNames = []
earmilk = urllib.urlopen("http://www.earmilk.com/category/pop")
reader = earmilk.read()
#gets the position of the playlist
PlaylistPos = reader.find("var newPlaylistTracks = ")
#finds the number of songs in the playlist
NumberSongs = reader[reader.find("var newPlaylistIds = "): PlaylistPos].count(",") + 1
initPos = PlaylistPos
#goes though the playlist and records the html address and name of the song
for song in range(0, NumberSongs):
songPos = reader[initPos:].find("http:") + initPos
namePos = reader[songPos:].find("name") + songPos
namePos += reader[namePos:].find(">")
nameEndPos = reader[namePos:].find("<") + namePos
SongStrings.append(reader[songPos: reader[songPos:].find('"') + songPos])
SongNames.append(reader[namePos + 1: nameEndPos])
#initPos += len(SongStrings[song])
initPos = nameEndPos
for correction in range(0, NumberSongs):
SongStrings[correction] = SongStrings[correction].replace('\\/', "/")
#downloading songs
#for download in range(0, NumberSongs):
#print reader.find("So F*")
#x= SongNames[0]
songDL = open(SongNames[0].formant(name), "w+")
songDL.write(urllib.urlretrieve(SongStrings[0], SongNames[0] + ".mp3"))
print SongStrings
for name in range(0, NumberSongs):
print SongNames[name] + "\n"
嘗試'打印SongNames [0] .formant(name)',在'open'之前, – thefourtheye