2013-11-25 56 views


 string end; 
     string directoryName; 
     string fileName; 
     string[] listOfFiles; 

     Console.Write("Enter the name of the folder: "); 
     directoryName = Console.ReadLine(); 
     while (directoryName != "end") 
      if (Directory.Exists(directoryName)) 
       Console.WriteLine("Directory exists, and it contains the following:"); 
       listOfFiles = Directory.GetFiles(directoryName); 
       for (int x = 0; x < listOfFiles.Length; ++x) 
        Console.WriteLine(" {0}", listOfFiles[x]); 


      Console.Write("Enter a filename: "); 
      fileName = Console.ReadLine(); 
      if(File.Exists(fileName)) // Almost like a path needs to be here. 
       Console.WriteLine("File was created " + File.GetCreationTime(fileName)); 




你的直覺是正確的。 File.Exists需要一個完整路徑(就像幾乎所有其他Filesystem API一樣)。

添加路徑Path.Combine()。請參見How do I join two paths in C#?

fileName = Console.ReadLine(); 
var filePath = Path.Combine(directoryName, fileName); 
if (File.Exists(filePath)) // Almost like a path needs to be here - Yep! 

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