2015-06-27 49 views

我想用AzureStorage來連接azure存儲和django 1.7應用程序。ValueError:無法序列化:<myproject.storage.AzureStorage對象在0x7f85185e66d0>


from django.db import models 
from myproject.storage import AzureStorage 

class MyModel(models.Model): 
    my_file = models.FileField(upload_to="files", storage=AzureStorage(container="media")) 
    my_image = models.ImageField(upload_to="images", storage=AzureStorage(container="media")) 


ValueError: Cannot serialize: <myproject.storage.AzureStorage object at 0x7f85185e66d0> 
There are some values Django cannot serialize into migration files. 
For more, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/migrations/#migration-serializing 



maybe modified_time ...試着調試它...它只有64行代碼,沒有人更新2年:D – madzohan


將@deconstructible添加到AzureStorage類修復此錯誤 –



您是否檢查過Upgrading to Django 1.7. Getting error: Cannot serialize: <storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage object的解決方案,這是一個類似問題。這裏複製的回答您的快速參考:

The basic issue here is that you are trying to use Django 1.7 with a package (django-storages) that doesn't appear to have been updated to work with that version yet.

Here are some excerpts from the documentation to explain what is happening:

Migrations are just Python files containing the old definitions of your models - thus, to write them, Django must take the current state of your models and serialize them out into a file.

While Django can serialize most things, there are some things that we just can’t serialize out into a valid Python representation - there’s no Python standard for how a value can be turned back into code.

You can let Django serialize your own custom class instances by giving the class a deconstruct() method.

So the solution here is to give the class storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage a deconstruct() method. That will probably be as easy as applying the @deconstructible class decorator.

Presumably the package will incorporate this change at some point (or perhaps the master branch already has it?), but you could also just patch it yourself.
