2012-05-13 99 views

我想在我的Macbook Pro上安裝PyQt for Maya。我成功安裝了Qt和Sip,但我無法安裝PyQt。PyQt配置和安裝錯誤


OSX 10.6.8,QT 4.7.1 - 修改歐特克的Qt,抿4.13.2,PyQt的4.9.1

在配置PyQt的是成功,但建設時它失敗。我認爲它可能與配置中使用的目錄/ Users/warnold有關。它列出了四次,但該目錄不存在,我不知道它來自哪裏。 Qt是安裝在/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1


export QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/ 
export PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/bin:$PATH 
export QMAKESPEC=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/mkspecs/macx-g++ 
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/lib/ 
/Applications/Autodesk/maya2013/Maya.app/Contents/bin/mayapy configure.py LIBDIR_QT=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/lib INCDIR_QT=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/include MOC=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.1/bin/moc --no-designer-plugin --use-arch=x86_64 

Determining the layout of your Qt installation... 
This is the GPL version of PyQt 4.9.1 (licensed under the GNU General Public 
License) for Python 2.6.4 on darwin. 

Type '2' to view the GPL v2 license. 
Type '3' to view the GPL v3 license. 
Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license. 
Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license. 

Do you accept the terms of the license? yes    
Found the license file pyqt-gpl.sip. 
Checking to see if the QtGui module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtHelp module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtMultimedia module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtNetwork module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtDBus module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtDeclarative module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtOpenGL module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtScript module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtScriptTools module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtSql module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtSvg module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtTest module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtWebKit module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtXml module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtXmlPatterns module should be built... 
Checking to see if the phonon module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtAssistant module should be built... 
Checking to see if the QtDesigner module should be built... 
Qt v4.7.1 free edition is being used. 
SIP 4.13.2 is being used. 
The Qt header files are in /Users/warnold/qt/qt-4.7.1/include. 
The shared Qt libraries are in /Users/warnold/qt/qt-4.7.1/lib. 
The Qt binaries are in /Users/warnold/qt/qt-4.7.1/bin. 
The Qt mkspecs directory is in /Users/warnold/qt/qt-4.7.1. 
These PyQt modules will be built: QtCore. 
The PyQt Python package will be installed in 
PyQt is being built with generated docstrings. 
PyQt is being built with 'protected' redefined as 'public'. 
The PyQt .sip files will be installed in 
pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 will be installed in 
Generating the C++ source for the QtCore module... 
Creating the Makefile for the QtCore module... 
Generating the C++ source for the Qt module... 
Creating the Makefile for the Qt module... 
Creating QScintilla API file... 
Creating top level Makefile... 
Creating QPy support library for QtCore Makefile... 
Creating QPy support libraries Makefile... 
Creating pyuic4 wrapper... 
Creating pyuic4 Makefile... 
pylupdate4 and pyrcc4 will not be built because the Qt XML module is missing. 
Creating pyqtconfig.py... 
Exception TypeError: TypeError("'NoneType' object is not callable",) in <bound method Popen.__del__ of <subprocess.Popen object at 0x100495450>> ignored 


ld: library not found for -lQtCore 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
make[1]: *** [QtCore.so] Error 1 
make: *** [all] Error 2 





它還包含了您安裝準備構建的軟件包,其中包括瑪雅2013年獅子。我還沒有嘗試過Snow Leopard上的Lion包,但我懷疑它應該工作,因爲它是用相同的SDK和arch構建的。




謝謝。我按照網站上的說明進行安裝,但錯過了預先構建的軟件包。這非常有幫助。無可否認,我對它的工作方式感到困惑不解。我習慣於使用安裝程序來安裝窗口和安裝東西。 – chengxudude