我目前正在嘗試創建一個日誌解析器,它從輸入文件(.log)中獲取一系列ping報告,格式如下:(從194.12.224.34開始的64個字節:icmp_seq = 1 ttl = 47時間= 66.7毫秒)並建立輸出文件(.csv)。Perl RegEx錯誤
120包轉發,120接收,0%的丟包率,時間119247ms RTT最小/平均/最大/ MDEV = 65.944/67.381/72.714/1.728毫秒
$INPUT = "ping.log";
$OUTPUT = "pingParsed.csv";
# > operator puts the write function in overwrite mode rather than append.
open (INPUT, '<', $INPUT);
open (OUTPUT, '>', $OUTPUT);
while (<INPUT>) {
# if (timestamp regex)
if(/(\w{3})\s+(\w{3})\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+GMT\s+(\2013)/) {
# print OUTPUT (date regex variables, $1 = Day, $2 = Month, $3 = Day, $4 = hour, $7 = year)
print OUTPUT "$1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $7";
$headers = "IP, Seq, Time";
print OUTPUT "$headers";
# if (ping info regex, $1 = IP address, $2 = Seq, $3 = Time)
if (m/icmp_seq=
(\S+) /x) # x allows use of whitespaces and comments in the regex.
print "$1, $2, $3\n";
# if (regex for total ping info - I think this is line 55.)
if (/\d+\d+\d+\s+\packets\s+\transmitted,\s+\d+\d+\d+\s+\received,\s+(\d+)\s+\packet\s+\loss,\s+time\s+(\d+)\ms\s+\min\avg\max\mdev\s+=\s+(\(S+)\\/\(S+)\\/(S+)\\/\(\S+)\s+\ms/) {
print ("$15 = packet loss(%), $22 = time(ms), $28 = rttmin, $33 = arg, $35 = max, $37 = ndev");
print OUTPUT ($15, $22, $28, $33, $35, $37);
close $INPUT;
close $OUTPUT;
Backslash found where operator expected at ./pingParseScript.pl line 55, near "/\d+\d+\d+\s+\packets\s+\transmitted
(Missing operator before \?)
反斜槓發現其中運營商預計將在./pingParseScript.pl線55,接近 「)\」 (缺少運算符之前\) 反斜槓發現其中運營商預計將在./pingParseScript.pl line 55,near「)\」 (Missing operator before \?) 語法錯誤在./pingParseScript.pl第55行,靠近「/ \ d + \ d + \ d + \ s + \ packets \ s + \傳輸,\ s + \ d + \ d + \ d + \ s + \ received,\ 替代模式未在./pingParse處終止Script.pl線55
我想有一個無與倫比的分隔符早前在節目中。你有沒有一個叫做's','m'或'y'的子? – ikegami 2013-04-08 18:44:34
您只顯示一行,但消息顯示兩行錯誤。 – ikegami 2013-04-08 18:46:14
注意'elsif'表達式中的錯誤可以在錯誤消息中包含'if'的行號。 – ikegami 2013-04-08 18:47:01