我遇到一個問題,如何正確排序dictonary在NET 2.0。這段代碼有點老了(2002年或者其他),它可以工作,但不是我想要的。由於「字典」可能非常龐大,因此這種排序功能可能需要很長時間,而客戶端卻沒有這麼做。字典排序.NET 2.0
爲人民誰不知道我要問,在我的項目有一個字典誰包含存儲爲相應整鍵對象的飛行物體。 A 航班對象有財產總價需要排序ASC。這發生在我提供的代碼中,只有處理這段代碼的時間大約需要30秒或更長時間,這是不可接受的。所以問題是,我該如何改進,以便減少時間處理。
public void SortFlightResult()
//bool to check sorting is done or not
bool blSort = true;
//bool to stay in while or not
bool blWhileSort = true;
while (blWhileSort)
//check the availableFlights
foreach (int i in AvailableFlights.Keys)
foreach (int j in AvailableFlights.Keys)
//if id j is greater then id i and price is less then j must be in place of i
if ((AvailableFlights[j].TotalPrice < AvailableFlights[i].TotalPrice) && (j > i))
//set temperary AvailableFlight object
AvailableFlight avTemp = new AvailableFlight();
avTemp = AvailableFlights[i];
AvailableFlights[i] = AvailableFlights[j];
//keep id of the i (if j.id = 3 and i.id = 2) replace i with j but let id = 2
AvailableFlights[i].ID = i;
AvailableFlights[j] = avTemp;
AvailableFlights[j].ID = j;
//set bool fase so we know sort is not done
blSort = false;
//end both foreach loop so we can start over from the top of availableFlights
goto endLoop;
//if true --> availableFlights is sorted set bool while false to quit the function
if (blSort)
blWhileSort = false;
{//set bool sort back to true
blSort = true;
所有瞎扯淡一邊,感謝@D士丹利對他有用的評論。 我更改爲算法到堆排序和處理排序的時間從約30秒到400毫秒,真的很高興!
public void HeapSort()
Stopwatch watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
//Build Max-Heap
Dictionary<int, AvailableFlight> input = AvailableFlights;
int heapSize = input.Keys.Count;
for (int p = (heapSize -1) /2; p >= 0; p--)
MaxHeapify(AvailableFlights, heapSize, p);
for (int i = AvailableFlights.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
AvailableFlight temp = input[i];
input[i] = input[0];
input[0] = temp;
MaxHeapify(AvailableFlights, heapSize, 0);
Debug.WriteLine("SortFlightResult 2: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
private static void MaxHeapify(Dictionary<int, AvailableFlight> input, int heapSize, int index)
int left = (index + 1) * 2 - 1;
int right = (index + 1) * 2;
int largest = 0;
if (left < heapSize && input[left].TotalPrice > input[index].TotalPrice)
largest = left;
largest = index;
if (right < heapSize && input[right].TotalPrice > input[largest].TotalPrice)
largest = right;
if (largest != index)
AvailableFlight temp = input[index];
input[index] = input[largest];
input[largest] = temp;
MaxHeapify(input, heapSize, largest);
字典不排序 - 如果你想擁有的物品清單,並能夠重新排序的項目使用'List'而不是'Dictionary' –
['SortedDictionary'](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/f7fta44c(v = vs.110).aspx)。 – Sinatr
是的。 SortedDictionary。 – TomTom