2017-10-13 123 views

假設Bob和Alice創建了一個集中的svn存儲庫。他們都有一個名爲b.txt的文件。 Alice編輯它並首先提交副本。鮑勃然後編輯/更新它並意識到這是一場衝突。他做了svn diff命令,得到了這個:SVN顯示diff命令混淆

This is going to be tricky. 

Yes it will be. 
It really will be. 
+Bob tried to fix the file. 
.I'm sure. 
+Alice is changing much. 
+I'm sure of that 
+ >>>>>>.r[5] 
+:(What happened? 

+Best of luck! 

Best of luck! 
+This is a mess. 

Alice的文件是什麼? Bob的文件中有什麼?


This is going to be tricky 

Yes it will be. 
It really will be. 
Alice is changing much. 
I'm sure of that 


This is going to be tricky 

Yes it will be. 
It really will be. 
Bob tried to fix the file. 
I'm sure 
:(What happened? 

Best of luck! 
Best of luck! 
This is a mess 


這是什麼意思? >>>>>是什麼意思? + ====是什麼意思?我不知道這個資源


概括地說,與添加'+'開頭的行,那些以'-'被刪除,並且'<< <<<<<' and '> >>>>>'之間的塊是衝突(即它在兩邊都被改變了)。每一方在衝突塊上進行的更改由行'=========='分隔。另外,在'<< <<<<<' and '> >>>>>>'標記的末尾,Subversion會將文件的當前修訂版號放在雙方中。該格式可以通過'patch' Unix工具來理解。 – axiac


另請閱讀:http://www.markusbe.com/2009/12/how-to-read-a-patch-or-diff-and-understand-its-structure-to-apply-it-manually/ – axiac
