我試圖做一個printeline函數,但是當我比較rsp地址的值時,cmp失敗。(x64 Nasm)Linux上的Writeline函數
push rdx
push rcx
push rbx
push rax
call stringlen ;calls stringlen. new return address assigned to rbx
mov rdx, rax ;move rax (containing string length) to rdx
pop rax ; restore original rax argument value (string address)
mov rcx, rax ; move msg address to rcx
mov rbx, 1 ; stdout
mov rax, 4 ;opcode 4 print
int 80h ;linux interrupt
pop rbx ;restore original return address to rbx
pop rcx ; restore value of rcx
pop rdx ;restore value of rdx
這裏是打印行機能的研究。它調用print來先打印消息。 然後它將換行符壓入堆棧以獲取它的地址。然後它再次打印以rax存儲的換行地址來打印它。
;prints msg with a line feed
call print ;print the message
push rax
mov rax, 0Ah ;move linefeed into rax
push rax ;push rax onto the stack
mov rax,rsp ;get the address of linefeed from rsp
call print ;print the linefeed
mov rdx, 1
mov rcx, rax
mov rbx, 1
mov rax, 4
int 80h
pop rax
pop rax
;gets string length
push rbx ;push return address to stack
mov rbx, rax ;rax holds the argument-> msg address
nextchar: ;do the counting
cmp byte [rax], 0h ; When comparing address from rsp, zero flag is set
jz finished
inc rax
jmp nextchar
sub rax, rbx ;store the new argument rax as msg length
pop rbx ;mov return address back into rbx
ret ;go to return address
這是主要的。 asm我打電話給printline:
%include "stdio.asm"
section .data
msg db "Print message 1:Hello world", 0h
section .text
global _start
mov rax, msg
call printline ;msg is printed but no linefeed
mov rax, 0
call return
我已經通過gdb運行它,並且rsp和rax似乎指向正確的值(0x0a)。不確定爲什麼cmp在這裏設置零標誌。 :(
爲什麼不使用repne scasb來計算字符串長度? –
忽略你在調試中看到的內容,當你運行程序時會發生什麼?它打印錯誤的東西?還是會崩潰? –