2013-02-04 63 views


有誰知道: 1)爲什麼發生這種情況, 2)如何防止它,& /或 3)如何檢查它(我可以用變換來移動線/分,如果我知道它的時候發生了多少)。


var r = Raphael("holder"), 
txtattr = { font: "12px sans-serif" }; 
var r2 = Raphael("holder2"), 
txtattr2 = { font: "12px sans-serif" }; 

var x = [], y = [], y2 = [], y3 = []; 

for (var i = 0; i < 1e6; i++) { 
    x[i] = i * 10; 
    y[i] = (y[i - 1] || 0) + (Math.random() * 7) - 3; 
var demoX = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],[3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7, 8]]; 
var demoY = [[12, 32, 23, 15, 17, 27, 22], [10, 20, 30, 25, 15, 28]]; 

var xVals = [1288885800000, 1289929440000, 1290094500000, 1290439560000, 1300721700000, 1359499228000, 1359499308000, 1359499372000]; 
var yVals = [80, 76, 70, 74, 74, 78, 77, 72]; 
var xVals2 = [1288885800000, 1289929440000]; 
var yVals2 = [80, 76]; 

var lines = r.linechart(10, 10, 300, 220, xVals, yVals, { nostroke: false, axis: "0 0 1 1", symbol: "circle", smooth: true }) 
.hoverColumn(function() { 
    this.tags = r.set(); 

    for (var i = 0, ii = this.y.length; i < ii; i++) { 
     this.tags.push(r.tag(this.x, this.y[i], this.values[i], 160, 10).insertBefore(this).attr([{ fill: "#fff" }, { fill: this.symbols[i].attr("fill") }])); 
    }, function() { 
     this.tags && this.tags.remove(); 

lines.symbols.attr({ r: 3 }); 

var lines2 = r2.linechart(10, 10, 300, 220, xVals2, yVals2, { nostroke: false, axis: "0 0 1 1", symbol: "circle", smooth: true }) 
.hoverColumn(function() { 
    this.tags = r2.set(); 

    for (var i = 0, ii = this.y.length; i < ii; i++) { 
     this.tags.push(r.tag(this.x, this.y[i], this.values[i], 160, 10).insertBefore(this).attr([{ fill: "#fff" }, { fill: this.symbols[i].attr("fill") }])); 
    }, function() { 
     this.tags && this.tags.remove(); 

lines2.symbols.attr({ r: 3 }); 

我必須使用gRaphael與x軸必須是在毫秒(這是後來用W /定製日期字符串)


二次例如小提琴(頁面上第四示例頻繁顯示兩個軸錯誤): http://jsfiddle.net/kcar/saBnT/



snapEnds: function(from, to, steps) { 
    var f = from, 
     t = to; 

    if (f == t) { 
     return {from: f, to: t, power: 0}; 

    function round(a) { 
     return Math.abs(a - .5) < .25 ? ~~(a) + .5 : Math.round(a); 

    var d = (t - f)/steps, 
     r = ~~(d), 
     R = r, 
     i = 0; 

    if (r) { 
     while (R) { 
      R = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i))/Math.pow(10, i); 

     i ++; 
    } else { 
     if(d == 0 || !isFinite(d)) { 
      i = 1; 
     } else { 
      while (!r) { 
       i = i || 1; 
       r = ~~(d * Math.pow(10, i))/Math.pow(10, i); 

     i && i--; 

    t = round(to * Math.pow(10, i))/Math.pow(10, i); 

    if (t < to) { 
     t = round((to + .5) * Math.pow(10, i))/Math.pow(10, i); 

    f = round((from - (i > 0 ? 0 : .5)) * Math.pow(10, i))/Math.pow(10, i); 
    return { from: f, to: t, power: i }; 

如果我將毫秒數轉換爲小時數,但這些錯誤大部分都會被消除(它們仍然會出現的差不多),但在我的情況下,這仍然不是很理想,但可以作爲快速解決其他人遇到同樣問題的方法。 – kcar


只需要指出來自Epoch的毫秒數/小時 – kcar


在調查這一點時,似乎有些時候它的線路比例關閉了(有時線路太長,所以第一個和最後一個點超出了它們應該在的位置,有時線太短),有時候只是定位。對於我的生活,我不知道爲什麼相同的數據/代碼會導致完全不同的錯誤。 – kcar





snapEnds: function(from, to, steps) { 
    return {from: from, to: to, power: 0};  


碼並不是一個理想的選擇。 檢查數據點是否在圖的外部呈現的最簡單方法似乎是獲取軸集的邊界框和數據點的邊界框,並檢查x和x2值之間的差異。


//assuming datapoints is the Raphael Set for the datapoints, axes is the 
//Raphael Set for the axis, and datalines is the Raphael Set for the 
//datapoint lines 
var pointsBBox = datapoints.getBBox(); 
var axesBBox = axes.getBBox(); 
var xGapLeft = Math.ceil(axesBBox.x - pointsBBox.x); 
//rounding up to integer to simplify, and the extra boost from y-axis doesn't 
//hurt, <1 is a negligible distance in transform 
var xGapRight = Math.ceil(axesBBox.x2 - pointsBBox.x2); 
var xGap = 0; 
if(xGapLeft > 0){ 
    datapoints.transform('t' +xGapLeft +',0'); 
    datalines.transform('t' +xGapLeft +',0'); 
    xGap = xGapLeft; 
}else if (xGapRight < 0) { //using else if because if it is a scale issue it will 
//be too far right & too far left, meaning both are true and using transform will 
//just shift it right then left and you are worse off than before, using 
//set.transform(scale) works great on dataline but when using on datapoints scales 
// symbol radius not placement 
    if (xGapLeft < 0 && xGapRight < xGapLeft) { xGapRight = xGapLeft; } 
//in this case the initial point is right of y-axis, the end point is right of 
//x-axis termination, and the difference between last point/axis is greater than 
//difference between first point/axis 

    datapoints.transform('t' +xGapRight +',0'); 
    datalines.transform('t' +xGapRight +',0'); 
    xGap = xGapRight; 
rehookHoverOverEvent(xGap); //there are so many ways to do this just leaving it 
//here as a call to do so, if you don't the hover tags will be over the original 
//datapoints instead of the new location, at least they were in my case. 

我會誠實地說,我並不真正關心這個修復,因爲它沒有解決根本問題,並且如果行太長或太短(縮放問題)不起作用,但它是一個爲我工作的樂隊援助,並可能爲別人工作,但這就是爲什麼我沒有選擇它作爲「接受的答案」。 – kcar



 if (valuesy[i].length > width - 2 * gutter) { 
      valuesy[i] = shrink(valuesy[i], width - 2 * gutter); 
      len = width - 2 * gutter; 

     if (valuesx[i] && valuesx[i].length > width - 2 * gutter) { 
      valuesx[i] = shrink(valuesx[i], width - 2 * gutter); 



感謝您的建議,從g.raphael.js註釋掉snapEnds函數的主體似乎已經做到了,3個月後我沒有注意到這樣做的任何負面影響 – kcar




很遺憾,我已經在0.51上了,但是我知道這個問題的幾個不同的修復建議在g.raphael git上,所以我猜這個修復程序正在自己工作。 – kcar