2014-09-10 32 views

我在我的頁面上有申請表格。除查詢字符串外,所有內容都正常工作。我想要一個帶有變量的URL,並將其傳遞給聯繫人表單電子郵件。防爆。 http://www.example.net?merchantid=12345將查詢字符串變量傳遞給聯繫表格電子郵件



<form id="shortApplication" action="{site_url}application#contact-sent" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-type="advanced"> 
    <input type="hidden" value="true" name="emailSent" id="emailSent"> 
          <input type="hidden" name="XID" value="{XID_HASH}" />        
          <input type="hidden" name="merchantid" value='<?php echo $merchantid; ?>' />         
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Your First Name *</label> 
             <input type="text" value="" required data-msg-required="Please enter your first name." maxlength="100" class="form-control" name="first_name" id="first_name"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Your Last Name *</label> 
             <input type="text" value="" required data-msg-required="Please enter your last name." maxlength="100" class="form-control" name="last_name" id="last_name"> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Your Business Name *</label> 
             <input type="text" value="" required data-msg-required="Please enter your business name." maxlength="100" class="form-control" name="business_name" id="business_name"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Your Phone Number *</label> 
             <input type="text" value="" required data-msg-required="Please enter your phone number." maxlength="100" class="form-control" name="phone" id="phone"> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Your email address *</label> 
             <input type="email" value="" required data-msg-required="Please enter your email address." data-msg-email="Please enter a valid email address." maxlength="100" class="form-control" name="email" id="email"> 
            <div class="col-md-6"> 
             <label>Confirm Your email address *</label> 
             <input type="email" value="" required data-msg-required="Emails must match." data-msg-email="Please enter a valid email address." maxlength="100" class="form-control required email" equalTo='#email' name="emailConfirm" id="emailConfirm"> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="checkbox"> 
            <div class="form-group"> 
             <div class="col-md-6"> 
               <input type="checkbox" id="checked"> I agree to the <a href="{site_url}terms-and-conditions" target="_blank">terms & conditions</a> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="col-md-12"> 
            <label>Human Verification *</label> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="form-group"> 
            <div class="col-md-4"> 
             <div class="captcha form-control"> 
              <div class="captcha-image"> 
               $_SESSION['captcha'] = simple_php_captcha(array(
                'min_length' => 6, 
                'max_length' => 6, 
                'min_font_size' => 22, 
                'max_font_size' => 22, 
                'angle_max' => 3 

               $_SESSION['captchaCode'] = $_SESSION['captcha']['code']; 

               echo '<img src="' . "php/simple-php-captcha/simple-php-captcha.php/" . $_SESSION['captcha']['image_src'] . '" alt="CAPTCHA code">'; 
            <div class="col-md-8"> 
             <input type="text" value="" maxlength="6" data-msg-captcha="Wrong verification code." data-msg-required="Please enter the verification code." placeholder="Type the verification code." class="form-control" name="captcha" id="captcha"> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="col-md-12"> 
          <div class="row"> 
           <div class="col-md-12"> 
            <input type="submit" id="shortApplicationSubmit" value="Send Message" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg pull-right" data-loading-text="Loading..." disabled="disabled"> 




// Step 1 - Enter your email address below. 
$to = '[email protected]'; 

$arrResult = array('response'=>''); 

if(isset($_POST['emailSent'])) { 

$subject = 'RTO Camera Application'; 

// Step 2 - If you don't want a "captcha" verification, remove that IF. 
if (strtolower($_POST["captcha"]) == strtolower($_SESSION['captcha']['code'])) { 

    $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; 
    $last_name = $_POST['last_name']; 
    $business_name = $_POST['business_name']; 
    $phone = $_POST['phone']; 
    $email = $_POST['email']; 
    $merchantid = $_GET['merchantid']; 
    // $emailConfirm = $_POST['emailConfirm']; 

    // Step 3 - Configure the fields list that you want to receive on the email. 
    $fields = array(
     0 => array(
      'text' => 'First Name', 
      'val' => $_POST['first_name'] 
     1 => array(
      'text' => 'Last Name', 
      'val' => $_POST['last_name'] 
     2 => array(
      'text' => 'Business Name', 
      'val' => $_POST['business_name'] 
     3 => array(
      'text' => 'Phone Number', 
      'val' => $_POST['phone'] 
     4 => array(
      'text' => 'Email', 
      'val' => $_POST['email'] 
     5 => array(
      'text' => 'Merchant ID', 
      'val' => $_POST['merchantid'] 

    $message = ""; 

    foreach($fields as $field) { 
     $message .= $field['text'].": " . htmlspecialchars($field['val'], ENT_QUOTES) . "<br>\n"; 

    $mail = new PHPMailer; 


    // Step 4 - If you don't receive the email, try to configure the parameters below: 

    //$mail->Host = 'mail.yourserver.com';    // Specify main and backup server 
    //$mail->SMTPAuth = true;        // Enable SMTP authentication 
    //$mail->Username = 'username';      // SMTP username 
    //$mail->Password = 'secret';       // SMTP password 
    //$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';       // Enable encryption, 'ssl' also accepted 

    $mail->From = $email; 
    $mail->FromName = $_POST['first_name'].' '.$_POST['last_name']; 
    $mail->AddReplyTo($email, $first_name, $last_name); 

    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; 

    $mail->Subject = $subject; 
    $mail->Body = $message; 

    if($mail->Send()) { 
     $arrResult['response'] = 'success'; 
    } else { 
     $arrResult['response'] = 'error'; 

} else { 

    $arrResult['response'] = 'captchaError'; 







<input type="hidden" name="merchantid" value='<?php echo $merchantid; ?>' /> 


<input type="hidden" name="merchantid" value="<?php if (isset($_GET['merchantid'])) echo $_GET['merchantid']; ?>" /> 


$merchantid = $_POST['merchantid']; 


我粘貼了我之前使用過的相同的代碼,並且破壞了我的頁面。說:一個PHP錯誤遇到 嚴重性:注意 消息:未定義指數:MERCHANTID 文件名:庫/的functions.php(688):EVAL()'d代碼 行號:153 線153是帶有隱藏php的行得到 – 2014-09-10 18:16:14


如果你用url中的那個獲取參數加載頁面,它也會中斷嗎?無論如何,應該有一個isset()檢查。見編輯的答案。要驗證您是否將變量獲取到表單中,請在源代碼中查看它。 – MSTannu 2014-09-10 18:21:24


我收到一個意外的錯誤「isset」,我的頁面被完全破壞。 – 2014-09-10 18:33:32