2011-06-23 101 views

我在Eclipse中創建了一個動態Web項目。我有2個豆子,1個@Entity和其他@Stateless。我已經部署了戰爭到Geronimo 2.2.1和Tomcat 6警告:在.war中找不到EJB

Unresolved ejb reference "com.myconnection.servlet.AddServlet/srvc" in bean 
"GeronimoEnc". Will attempt resolution again at runtime. 

我有與動作到一個servlet(AddServlet)一.JSP的形式。這個servlet試圖引用我的@Stateless bean(通過接口)。但是,一旦我打我的提交形式去的servlet上,我得到這個錯誤:

java.lang.InstantiationException: Some objects to be injected were not found in jndi:  
[javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No EJB found for reference "com. 





在Geronimo 3.0中,通過bug report 5117修復了對使用EJB部署WAR文件的支持(但可能不可用;請參閱以下文本)。通過這份報告,2.2.1中的依賴注入可能會失敗。

存在one report on the mailing list,這表明Geronimo 3.0 M1可能用於驗證依賴注入是否適用於部署在Web應用程序中的EJB;然而,這與針對同一主題的失敗提出的疑問相反。再現郵件的突出內容:


Geronimo is not able to inject @EJB into a servlet. Both SLSB and my serlvet are packaged in war. ... By looking at the release notes I know that EJB 3.1 is supported only partially. I take it that the part that is not yet implemented in deploying EJBs inside war package?


Hmm, IIRC, the EJB injection should work in the M1 release, although it have some bugs in EJB 3.1 integration. I would suggest to use the latest trunk codes (just update some codes to try to work around the address binding issue on the building machine, hopefully a snapshot build could be generated in the next round), as we got a much better TCK result comparing with M1 release. JCDI related packages are definitely included in the latest trunk build.

全力以赴以上的,3.0 M1會在一瞬間嘗試此發佈,但肯定是這個功能是缺失的某種可能性(考慮該錯誤5117似乎未在發行說明中的​​固定錯誤列表中)。
