[0,0.1,0.2,0.3,...,defined end]。
我只知道內置間/ 3,但對你的幫助只產生整數像0,1,2,3 ......
[0,0.1,0.2,0.3,...,defined end]。
我只知道內置間/ 3,但對你的幫助只產生整數像0,1,2,3 ......
between_step(First, Last, Step, Var) :-
NrSteps is integer((Last - First)/Step),
between(0, NrSteps, TempVar),
Var is First + Step * TempVar.
?- between_step(2.5, 3, 0.1, X).
X = 2.5 ?;
X = 2.6 ?;
X = 2.7 ?;
X = 2.8 ?;
X = 2.9 ?;
X = 3.0
?- findall(X, between_step(0, 1, 0.1, X), Xs).
Xs = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]
你可以嘗試一些像下面這樣,但如果你問我,通過回溯模仿程序循環的結構是Prolog code smell,表明你的設計與Prolog的工作方式有阻抗不匹配。
for(From,To,Step,From) :- % Unify the incremental value with the current 'From'
Step > 0 , % - when the 'Step' is positive, and
From =< To . % - the 'To' limit has not been exceeded.
for(From,To,Step,Inc) :- % On backtracking...
Step > 0 , % - when the 'Step' is positive,
From < To , % - and the 'To' limit has not yet been reached
Next is From+Step , % - increment 'From'
for(Next,To,Step,Inc) . % - and recurse down.
for(From,To,Step,From) :- % Unify the incremental value with the current 'From'
Step < 0 , % - when the 'Step' is negative, and
From >= To . % - the 'To' limit has not been exceeded
for(From,To,Step,Inc) :- % On backtracking...
Step < 0 , % - when the 'Step' is negative, and
From > To , % - the 'To' limit has not yet been reached
Next is From+Step , % - decrement 'From'
for(Next,To,Step,Inc) . % - and recurse down
MH,如果我稱爲 「的findall(X,between_step(0,10,0.1,X)中,X)」 時,得到的解決方案:XS = [0.0,0.1,0.2,0.30000000000000004,0.4%,0.5 ,0.6000000000000001,0.7000000000000001,0.8 |。任何建議來解決它?! – mrbela
你說的是0.30000000000000004而不是0.3嗎? –
是的!對不起,我沒有提到它。 – mrbela