2015-12-29 51 views


但是,在數據庫中我有兩個表。 當我填寫並執行我的問題頁面時,我已經提出了每個答案都有一個id。在表「answer_det」中,Pid,Aid,答案和分數正在設置中。這是它的樣子:

enter image description here

的 「問題」 表時,我插入的第一個項目(PID = 1)第一個問題:

enter image description here


因此,如果您查看第一張圖片,每個顯示行上的qid應爲1,因爲所有四個答案都屬於同一個問題,這是pid = 1的項目的第一個答案。因此,如果我想向同一個項目添加問題,它應該看起來相同,但是使用qid = 2等等。如果我然後爲項目2添加一個新的(第一個)問題,那麼qid應該從1開始,依此類推。然後,如果我想再次爲第一個項目添加一個新問題,代碼應該檢查最大qid是2,其中pid是1,然後插入一個帶有答案但qid = 3的新問題。

它應該在表格「問題」上以相同的方式工作,您可以在第二張圖片上看到該問題。當創建第一個問題時,我想讓第一個項目(pid = 1的項目)的第一個問題也包含qid = 1和我填充的鏈接。 pid = 1的項目的第二個問題應該是qid = 2。如果我爲新項目添加第一個問題,那麼它應該是pid = 2和qid = 1。 這是我現在擁有的代碼,它沒有任何內容在qid中插入任何兩個表中的任何一個。


請仔細閱讀[我可以問什麼議題有關] (HTTP://計算器。com/help/on-topic) 和[如何問一個好問題](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask) 和[完美的問題](http://codeblog.jonskeet .uk/2010/08/29/writing-the-perfect-question /) SO是**不是免費的編碼服務** – RiggsFolly


如果您可以發佈一些代碼,它將對您有所幫助。 –


如果你沒有開始編碼..開始你的數據庫設計,並嘗試使用「數據關係」,如多對多等..如果你開始分享你的代碼.. –










//first check if this project already has questions in the question table. 
So do something like 

SELECT* FROM question WHERE pid = $post['projectID'] ORDER BY qid DESC 
// or you could do SELECT TOP 1 

// CASE1: if this project never had any questions, the select would return null. 
//Hence this is a first question for this project. Then simply write an insert query that 
//would insert $post['projectID'] to pid and 1 in qid (since this is the first question). 
//Also, insert a series of rows in the answer_det table that will have $post['projectID'] 
//to pid and 1 for qid and the answer and points as submitted. 


// CASE2: if this project already has 1 or more questions, your select query from above 
//will return some rows and if you pick $row[0]['qid'], this would be the highest number 
//value for question (qid) as we selected using ORDER BY qid DESC. Now, simply do inserts 
//in both the tables like you would do as above but this time, in the qid field in both 
//the tables, instead of inserting 1, you would insert qid => $row[0]['qid'] + 1. 
//You wouldn't need to know what the qid was, all you need is to get the last qid and add 
//1 to it. 

//Also, you can create a separate page to add the projectName as you feel to add new 
//projects and insert this into the project_table and this will begin to show up in the 
//select options when you are adding new questions.