我在使用CodeIgniter 2.1.3笨這個奇怪的錯誤和最新cjax。奇怪的是,當我下載最新的笨,和codeitniger最新cjax框架,並複製到我的朋友的服務器,並調用:笨&cjax框架,致命錯誤階級「是CI_Controller」未找到
PHP Fatal error: Class 'CI_Controller' not found in /hosting/www/domain.com/www/application/response/test.php on line 3
現在,我讀過通計算器具有通過改變結構,並呼籲是CI_Controller,而不是控制這個問題,解決的人。但是我已經這麼做了...... - 我的意思是這個基本例子假設在不觸及代碼的情況下工作,它的確如此,只是因爲一些不合理的原因而不在我的域名中。
class Test extends CI_Controller {
function __construct()
* ajax.php?test/test/a/b/c
* @param unknown_type $a
* @param unknown_type $b
* @param unknown_type $c
function test($a = null,$b = null, $c = null)
$this->load->view('test', array('data' => $a .' '.$b.' '.$c));
* ajax.php?test/test2
* Here we are testing out the javascript library.
* Note: the library it is not meant to be included in ajax controllers - but in front-controllers,
* it is being used here for the sake of simplicity in testing.
function test2()
$ajax = ajax();
$ajax->update('response','Cjax Works');
$ajax->append('#response','<br /><br />version: '.$ajax->version);
$ajax->success('Cjax was successfully installed.', 5);
//see application/views/test2.php
我希望有人能夠解決這個問題 - 或者也許有人已經經歷過這個問題?
感謝您的時間! 沃爾瑪