2014-08-30 93 views

當我將新版本更新爲Google App Engine時,新版本未顯示在AppSpot域中,但它顯示在類似v2.appspot.com的版本域中。有誰知道如何使最新的版本更新生活?Google App Engine更新沒有顯示更新的版本


appcfg.py update . 


Michaels-MacBook-Air:crm Mike$ appcfg.py update . 
08:38 PM Application: telipayments; version: crm2 
08:38 PM Host: appengine.google.com 
08:38 PM 
Starting update of app: telipayments, version: crm2 
08:38 PM Getting current resource limits. 
08:38 PM Scanning files on local disk. 
08:38 PM Scanned 500 files. 
08:38 PM Scanned 1000 files. 
08:38 PM Cloning 798 static files. 
08:38 PM Cloning 1286 application files. 
08:38 PM Compilation starting. 
08:38 PM Compilation completed. 
08:38 PM Starting deployment. 
08:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded. 
08:38 PM Deployment successful. 
08:38 PM Checking if updated app version is serving. 
08:38 PM Completed update of app: telipayments, version: crm2 
08:38 PM Uploading cron entries. 
Michaels-MacBook-Air:crm Mike$ 




appcfg.py [options] set_default_version

Sets the default (serving) version of the app. By default, the serving version is set to the version specified in app.yaml, unless you specify another with the --version option.


我已經嘗試過,但是出現錯誤。 Michaels-MacBook-Air:crm Mike $ appcfg.py [options] set_default_version。 用法:appcfg.py [選項] appcfg.py:錯誤:未知的操作:'[選項]',有什麼我需要改變? – 2014-08-30 02:33:05


我想通了,它沒有[選項],謝謝 – 2014-08-30 02:50:08
