public class SecondLargest {
public static int findSecondLargestConsecutiveSum(final int[] array){
if (array == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find consecutive sum in a null array");
if (array.length < 3)
return -1;
long largest = Long.MIN_VALUE;
long secondLargest = Long.MIN_VALUE;
int largestPos = -1;
int secondLargestPos = -1;
long sum;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; ++i)
sum = array[i] + array[i+1];
if (sum > largest) {
secondLargest = largest;
secondLargestPos = largestPos;
largest = sum;
largestPos = i;
else if (sum < largest && sum > secondLargest){
secondLargest = sum;
secondLargestPos = i;
return secondLargestPos;
public static String formatSecondLargest(final int[] array){
final int pos = findSecondLargestConsecutiveSum(array);
if (pos == -1)
return "Array does not have a second largest consecutive sum.";
return String.format("%d by elements %d,%d at position %d", (long) array[pos] + (long) array[pos+1], array[pos], array[pos+1], pos);
public static void main(final String[] args){
System.out.println(formatSecondLargest(new int[]{ 1,6,2,3,8 }));
System.out.println(formatSecondLargest(new int[]{ 1,6,2,3,8,3 }));
System.out.println(formatSecondLargest(new int[]{ Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE }));
System.out.println(formatSecondLargest(new int[]{ Integer.MIN_VALUE+1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE+2 }));
8 by elements 6,2 at position 1
8 by elements 6,2 at position 1
Array does not have a second largest consecutive sum.
-4294967295 by elements -2147483647,-2147483648 at position 0
2016-02-06 10:42:21
您必須在每個階段存儲變量中max和secondmax的位置,以便能夠在最後顯示元素。 –
你爲什麼使用計數器變量? – Nishant123
對於int [] {Integer.MIN_VALUE,Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1,Integer.MIN_VALUE + 2}' – MT0