2009-12-08 45 views

這個錯誤很難描述,但很容易用底部代碼複製。只需在Flex 3中複製,粘貼和編譯+運行,就會發現問題。任何人都知道工作?Flex TextArea htmlText with stylesheet點擊錯誤

編輯:這是一個運行演示的鏈接:http://shiinaringo.se/hosted/flex/textarea-bug/HtmlTextBug.html 在演示中,TextArea的默認顏色設置爲紅色。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="horizontal" applicationComplete="applicationComplete(event);"> 
      import mx.events.FlexEvent; 

      private function applicationComplete(event:Event):void { 
       var styles:String = "a:hover { color: #6666ff; text-decoration: underline; } a { color: #0000ff; }"; 
       var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet(); 
       textGreenStylesheet.styleSheet = ss; 
      private function enteredText(event:FlexEvent):void { 
       textDefault.htmlText = event.currentTarget.text; 
       textGreen.htmlText = event.currentTarget.text; 
       textGreenStylesheet.htmlText = event.currentTarget.text; 
    <mx:VBox height="100%" width="400" horizontalAlign="center"> 
     <mx:Panel width="250" height="200" layout="absolute" title="TextArea A. Default colored text"> 
      <mx:TextArea id="textDefault" condenseWhite="true" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0"> 
        This text has the default text color of the TextArea control. 
     <mx:Panel width="250" height="200" layout="absolute" title="TextArea B. Green text"> 
      <mx:TextArea id="textGreen" condenseWhite="true" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" color="green"> 
        This text has the text color set to green 
     <mx:Panel width="250" height="200" layout="absolute" title="TextArea C. Green text + stylesheet"> 
      <mx:TextArea id="textGreenStylesheet" condenseWhite="true" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" color="green"> 
        This text has the text color set to green, and also uses a stylesheet to make <a href="http://example.com">links</a> blue and underlined when hovered. 
     <mx:TextInput x="69" y="282" width="207" enter="enteredText(event);"/> 
    <mx:VBox height="100%" width="200"> 
     <mx:Text width="166" text="We have three TextArea controls. The top uses default text color, the middle one uses defined green text color, the bottom one also uses green color, but also uses a stylesheet to define some custom coloring of A tags." height="232"/> 
     <mx:Text width="166" text="To reproduce the problem, first try to just enter new text in the input field in the bottom, and press enter. The text in the three boxes will update. Notice that the colors and other styles don't change in any of the three boxes. But when you click once inside textarea C, then enter new text in the input field and hit enter, you'll notice that the color and font is lost in textarea C. Bug?" height="232"/> 



基本上,StyleSheetTextFormatdoesn't go together在閃蒸文本字段。



<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#008000" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">This text has the text color set to green, and also uses a stylesheet to make <A HREF="http://example.com" TARGET="">links</A> blue and underlined when hovered. </FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT> 


當你點擊TextArea時,我相信flex會重新計算它的屬性(可能是點擊觸發失效 - 我不確定底下發生了什麼)。在執行此操作時,編譯器會發現已應用樣式表並忽略color="green"屬性。現在,這些新屬性僅在text/htmltext屬性發生更改時才應用(稍後按Enter鍵)。因此,除非您單擊或以某種方式觸發textarea的失效,否則它將保留在應用樣式表之前指定的默認顏色。

如果您將.yellow{color:#ffff00;}添加到樣式表中並使用<span class="yellow">some text</span>標籤在第三個文本區域中包含一些文本,您可以看到無論您是否單擊它,封閉文本都保持黃色。


謝謝。你的見解似乎或多或少是正確的。樣式表總體上不能與其他樣式混合。所以,要麼你根本不使用樣式表,要麼當你使用樣式表時,你使用它們,而不是其他的東西......。 我實現了將所有內容都包裝到分類範圍內的建議,並在樣式表中設置該類的樣式。迄今爲止,它對我有用。 在調試這個問題,我也注意到,如果我設置爲「啓用」,以「假」的文本區域,我不點擊時,你得到的風格問題的損失。這可能是一個解決方案,但在我的情況下,我需要TextArea內的鏈接工作。 – Jonny 2009-12-09 05:50:21



private function enteredText(event:FlexEvent):void 
    textDefault.text = event.currentTarget.text; 
    textGreen.text = event.currentTarget.text; 
    textGreenStylesheet.text = event.currentTarget.text; 


import flash.events.Event; 
import flash.text.TextFormat; 

import mx.controls.Text; 
import flash.text.StyleSheet; 

import mx.core.mx_internal; 
import mx.events.FlexEvent; 

public class SupText extends Text 

    use namespace mx_internal; 

    public var linkColor:String = "#355EBF"; 

    private var format:TextFormat; 

    public function SupText() 
     this.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void { setStyleSheet(); }); 

    override public function set htmlText(value:String):void { 
     if (format != null) { 
      //glorious hack for style problem 
      textField.styleSheet = null; 
      textField.defaultTextFormat = format; 

     super.htmlText = value; 

     if (textField.defaultTextFormat.font != "Times New Roman") { 
      format = textField.defaultTextFormat; 

    public function setStyleSheet():void { 
     var ss:StyleSheet = textField.styleSheet; 

     if(textField.styleSheet == null){ 
      textField.styleSheet = new StyleSheet(); 
     textField.styleSheet.setStyle("sup", { display: "inline", fontFamily: "ArialSup", fontWeight:"normal"}); 
     textField.styleSheet.setStyle("a:link", { textDecoration: "none", color: linkColor }); 
     textField.styleSheet.setStyle("a:hover", { textDecoration: "underline" }); 
     textField.styleSheet.setStyle("a:active", { textDecoration: "underline" }); 




能完成這項工作? – 2010-04-08 11:22:00


我們遇到了同樣的問題。這對我們來說非常合適。 – 2010-05-11 03:55:47