2012-09-23 82 views


基本上,程序將接受3件事情的輸入,然後是它們之間的空白。因此,例如我想在每$ 20買30股,我會鍵入輸入類似如下:

b 30 20



我一直在遇到的另一個問題是程序的終止。當程序看到輸入的第一個索引值是「q」時,該程序應該終止。我做了一個while循環,聲明它會在布爾值quit爲false時循環。然後在while循環中,我做了一個if語句來檢查stockParts [0]的值是否爲「q」。如果是這樣,它會將quit的值更改爲true,以便可以結束循環,但由於某種原因,它不會終止,並且它仍在循環中。


import java.util.Scanner; 
import java.lang.Integer; 

public class StockTran { 
String command = ""; 
String[] stockParts = null; 
CircleArrayQueue Q; 
boolean quit = false; 

public StockTran(String inputCommand) { 
    try { 
     Scanner conReader = new Scanner(System.in); 
     this.command = inputCommand.toLowerCase(); 
     this.stockParts = command.split("\\s"); // splits the input into three parts 

     buyShares(Integer.parseInt(stockParts[1]), Integer.parseInt(stockParts[2]));  //testing purpose only 

     while (quit == false) { 
      if (this.stockParts[0] == "q") {  // ends transaction and terminates program 
       System.out.println("Share trading successfully cancelled."); 
       quit = true;  

      if (this.stockParts == null || this.stockParts.length > 3) { 
       throw new Exception("Bad input."); 

      if (stockParts[0] == "b") {  // checks to see if it is a buying of shares 
       int shares = Integer.parseInt(stockParts[1]);  // stores share amount 
       int value = Integer.parseInt(stockParts[2]);  // stores selling value 
       buyShares(shares, value);  // calls buyShares method and adds share to queue 
      else if (stockParts[0] == "s") {  // checks to see if it is a selling of shares 
       int shares = Integer.parseInt(stockParts[1]);  // stores share amount 
       int value = Integer.parseInt(stockParts[2]);  // stores selling value 
       sellShares(shares, value);  // calls sellShares method 
      else if (stockParts[0] == "c") {  // checks to see if it is capital gain 
       capitalGain();  // calls capitalGain and calculates net gain 
      System.out.println("Enter your next command or press 'q' to quit: "); 
      command = conReader.nextLine().toLowerCase(); 
      stockParts = command.split("\\s"); 

    } catch (Exception e) { 

public void buyShares(int shareAmout, int shareValue) {  // takes in share total and values for each share 
    Node temp = new Node(shareAmout, shareValue);  // stores values into node 
    try { 
     Q.enqueue(temp);  // enqueues the node into the CircularArrayQueue 

    } catch (FullQueueException e) { 


public void sellShares(int shareAmount, int sharePrice) { // ToDo 


public int capitalGain() { // ToDo 
    return 0; 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    String inputCommand = ""; 
    Scanner mainReader = new Scanner(System.in); 

    System.out.println("Enter 'b' to purchase share, 's' to sell share, 'c' for capital gain, or 'Q' to quit: "); 
    inputCommand = mainReader.nextLine(); 

    StockTran tran = new StockTran(inputCommand); 
public class CircleArrayQueue implements Queue { 
protected Node Q[];  // initializes an empty array for any element type 
private int MAX_CAP = 0;  // initializes the value for the maximum array capacity 
private int f, r; 

public CircleArrayQueue(int maxCap) { 
    MAX_CAP = maxCap; 
    Q = new Node[MAX_CAP]; // sets Q to be a specific maximum size specified 
    f = 0;  // sets front value to be 0 
    r = 0;  // sets rear value to be 0; 

public int size() { 
    return (MAX_CAP - f + r) % MAX_CAP;  // returns the size of the CircularArrayQueue 

public boolean isEmpty() {  // if front and rear are of equal value, Queue is empty 
    return f == r; 

public Node front() throws EmptyQueueException {  // method to get the front value of the CircularArrayQueue 
    if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyQueueException("Queue is empty."); 
     return Q[f];  // returns object at front of CircularArrayQueue 

public Node dequeue() throws EmptyQueueException { // method to remove from the front of the CircularArrayQueue 
    if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyQueueException("Queue is empty."); 
     Node temp = Q[f];  // stores front object in local variable 
     Q[f] = null;  // sets the value to be null in the array 
     f = (f + 1) % MAX_CAP;  // sets the new front value to be this 
     return temp;  // returns the object that was originally in the front 

public void enqueue(Node element) throws FullQueueException {  // method to add to the end of the CircualarArrayQueue 
    if (size() == MAX_CAP - 1) throw new FullQueueException("Queue has reached maximum capacity."); 
     Q[r] = element;  // stores the new element at the rear of array 
     r = (r + 1) % MAX_CAP;  // sets the new rear value to be the location after element insertion 




CircleArrayQueue Q; 

當你面對這樣的問題時,你必須進行調試。信息的一個來源是來自異常的堆棧跟蹤,它會告訴你異常被拋出的位置。您也可以讓開發環境中的調試器在拋出異常時自動停止。其次,在比較Java中的字符串時,使用equals()方法而不是==運算符。 equals()方法比較對象值。 ==運算符比較指向對象的引用的值。您可以擁有兩個具有不同參考值的相同對象。


噢好的。感謝您的幫助!現在我只需要弄清楚爲什麼程序不會終止...... – Asdeev


@MohamedBhura因爲if(this.stockParts [0] ==「q」)'永遠不會返回true。使用'equals()'而不是'=='應該修復它。 –


對於程序終止,請先嚐試修復字符串比較問題。 (順便說一句,歡迎來到StackOverflow。如果你認爲這是最好的答案,請點擊左邊的小複選框。) –


初始化您的CircleArrayQueue Q.如果您不初始化它。它將採用null作爲默認值。

CircleArrayQueue q= new CircleArrayQueue(size); 