我試圖在列中顯示文本,但在輸出的第二行添加了空格。我做錯了什麼? (該條目不包含字符串前空格)以下是所涉及的功能:如上所示出於某種原因,printf函數爲我想要顯示的內容添加空間
add(List *book)
Contact *runner = book->una;
Contact *node = (Contact *) malloc(sizeof(Contact));
if (node == NULL);
else {
printf("Add a contact\n");
printf("Enter the first name: ");
scanf("%s", node->fname);
printf("Enter the last name: ");
scanf("%s", node->lname);
printf("Enter the mobile number: ");
scanf("%s", node->number);
printf("\nContact added!\n\n");
node -> next = NULL;
if(book->una == NULL){
book->una = node;
while(runner->next != NULL)
runner = runner->next;
runner->next = node;
display(List *book)
Contact *runner = book -> una;
if(runner == NULL)
printf("%20s", "PHONEBOOK EMPTY!");
printf("Contact list\n");
printf("%-15s%-15s%-15s", "First Name", "Last Name", "Mobile number\n");
while(runner != NULL)
printf("%-15s%-15s%-15s\n", runner->fname, runner->lname, runner->number);
runner = runner->next;
/*An example output basically turns out like this:
First Name Last Name Mobile Number
James Harrison 123456
Wendy Barnes 00000
Cam Rodriguez 575938*/
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