2016-09-06 166 views



public class TestSort 
    ISort sort = null; 
    public void Setup() 
     sort = new MergeSort(); // or any implementation which need to be injected on setup 

Parametrised測試可能是一種選擇,但有一個讀[這裏](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9021881/how-to-run- a-test-method-with-multiple-parameters-in-mstest)關於使用MsTest並不容易。 – kayess


@ kayess這很有趣 – Pacchy




public void MergeSort_SortUnderorderedList_ShouldSortListCorrectly() 
    // Arrange 
    ISort sort = new MergeSort(); 

    // Act 
    int[] sortedList = sort.Sort(new int[] { 4, 2, 18, 5, 19 }); 

    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(2, sortedList[0]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(4, sortedList[1]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(5, sortedList[2]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(18, sortedList[3]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(19, sortedList[4]);  

public void QuickSort_SortUnderorderedList_ShouldSortListCorrectly() 
    // Arrange 
    ISort sort = new QuickSort(); 

    // Act 
    int[] sortedList = sort.Sort(new int[] { 4, 2, 18, 5, 19 }); 

    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(2, sortedList[0]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(4, sortedList[1]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(5, sortedList[2]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(18, sortedList[3]); 
    Assert.AreEqual(19, sortedList[4]); 



public class MyClass 
    private readonly ISort sortingAlgorithm; 

    public MyClass(ISort sortingAlgorithm) 
     if (sortingAlgorithm == null) 
     throw new ArgumentNullException("sortingAlgorithm"); 
     this.sortingAlgorithm = sortingAlgorithm; 

    public void DoSomethingThatRequiresSorting(int[] list) 
     int[] sortedList = this.sortingAlgorithm.Sort(list); 

     // Do stuff with sortedList 

public class MyClassTests 
    public void DoSomethingThatRequiresSorting_SomeCondition_ExpectedResult() 
     // Arrange - I assume that you need to use the result of Sort() in the 
     // method that you're testing, so the Setup method causes sortingMock 
     // to return the specified list when Sort() is called 
     ISort sortingMock = new Mock<ISort>(); 
     sortingMock.Setup(e => e.Sort().Returns(new int[] { 2, 5, 6, 9 })); 
     MyClass myClass = new MyClass(sortingMock.Object); 

     // Act 
     myClass.DoSomethingThatRequiresSorting(new int[] { 5, 9, 2, 6 }); 

     // Assert - check that the Sort() method was called 
     myClass.Verify(e => e.Sort(It.IsAny<int[]>)); 

你有沒有注意到OP使用MsTest而不是NUnit? – kayess


@kayess NUnit和我的答案有什麼關係? –


@ben你的答案的第一部分是我需要消除的。而且我確定我會用於依賴關係,我很清楚這一點。 – Pacchy