Hashtable companies = new Hashtable();
// Java Hashtable example to put object into Hashtable
// put(key, value) is used to insert object into map
companies.put("Google", "United States");
companies.put("Nokia", "Finland");
companies.put("Sony", "Japan");
Hashtable companies = new Hashtable();
// Java Hashtable example to put object into Hashtable
// put(key, value) is used to insert object into map
companies.put("Google", "United States","France");
companies.put("Nokia", "Finland","Japan");
companies.put("Sony", "Japan", "indonesia");
人請指教.. !!
使用[番石榴Multimap之](http://guava-libraries.googlecode.com/svn/tags/release03/javadoc/com/google/common/collect/Multimap.html) – jlordo