2016-04-24 59 views


<script type="text/javascript"> 
//customize values to suit your needs. 
var max_file_size  = 8048576; //maximum allowed file size 
var allowed_file_types = ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg']; //allowed file types 
var message_output_el = 'output'; //ID of an element for response output 
var loadin_image_el  = 'loading-img'; //ID of an loading Image element 

var bla = $('#contentMessage').val(); // how can i send this variable too in post 
//You may edit below this line but not necessarily 
var options = { 
    //dataType: 'json', //expected content type 
    target: '#' + message_output_el, // target element(s) to be updated with server response 
    beforeSubmit: before_submit, // pre-submit callback 
    success: after_success, // post-submit callback 
    resetForm: true  // reset the form after successful submit 

    $(this).ajaxSubmit(options); //trigger ajax submit 
    return false; //return false to prevent standard browser submit 

function before_submit(formData, jqForm, options){ 
    var proceed = true; 
    var error = []; 
    /* validation ##iterate though each input field 
    if you add extra text or email fields just add "required=true" attribute for validation. */ 

     //check any empty required file input 
     if(this.type == "file" && this.required == true && !$.trim(this.value)){ //check empty text fields if available 
      error.push(this.name + " is empty!"); 
      proceed = false; 

     //check any empty required text input 
     if(this.type == "text" && this.required == true && !$.trim(this.value)){ //check empty text fields if available 
      error.push(this.name + " is empty!"); 
      proceed = false; 

     //check any invalid email field 
     var email_reg = /^([\w-\.][email protected]([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/; 
     if(this.type == "email" && !email_reg.test($.trim(this.value))){ 
      error.push(this.name + " contains invalid email!"); 
      proceed = false;   

     //check invalid file types and maximum size of a file 
     if(this.type == "file"){ 
      if(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob){ 
       if(this.value !== ""){ 
        if(allowed_file_types.indexOf(this.value.type) === -1){ 
         error.push("<b>"+ this.value.type + "</b> is unsupported file type!"); 
         proceed = false; 

        //allowed file size. (1 MB = 1048576) 
        if(this.value.size > max_file_size){ 
         error.push("<b>"+ bytes_to_size(this.value.size) + "</b> is too big! Allowed size is " + bytes_to_size(max_file_size)); 
         proceed = false; 
       error.push("Please upgrade your browser, because your current browser lacks some new features we need!"); 
       proceed = false; 


    $(error).each(function(i){ //output any error to element 
     $('#' + message_output_el).html('<div class="error">'+error[i]+"</div>"); 

     return false; 

    $('#' + loadin_image_el).show(); 

//Callback function after success 
function after_success(data){ 
    $('#' + message_output_el).html(data); 
    $('#' + loadin_image_el).hide(); 

//Callback function to format bites bit.ly/19yoIPO 
function bytes_to_size(bytes){ 
    var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; 
    if (bytes == 0) return '0 Bytes'; 
    var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes)/Math.log(1024))); 
    return Math.round(bytes/Math.pow(1024, i), 2) + ' ' + sizes[i]; 


<form action="/ajax/createPostArticle" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload_form"> 
<input type="file" name="image_file" id="cretor"> 
<textarea rows="4" id="contentMessage" class="form-control"></textarea> 
<button class="btn btn-success">POST</button> 



我沒有看到任何'php'擴展名在您的行動鏈接的形式或您正在使用自定義網址??? –


是的我使用的是自定義的網址 –


你在ur action =「/ ajax/createPostArticle」文件中獲得的文件 – rahul




var options = { 
    //dataType: 'json', //expected content type 
    data: {id1: $('#id1').val()}, //Note the data here for sending values 
    target: '#' + message_output_el, // target element(s) to be updated with server response 
    beforeSubmit: before_submit, // pre-submit callback 
    success: after_success, // post-submit callback 
    resetForm: true  // reset the form after successful submit 

它發送空白textarea數據 –


@SagarSingh:嘗試通過Firefox FireBug實用程序檢查發佈的請求。如果它真的發佈沒有數據..! –


@SagarSingh:刪除'dataType:'json','我希望它會開始發佈數據..!因爲它現在可能發佈的數據,但它將以JSON格式..! –

<textarea rows="4" id="contentMessage" class="form-control"></textarea> 


<textarea rows="4" id="contentMessage" name="contentMessage" class="form-control"></textarea> 



添加name =「contentMessage」後,jquery發送contentMessage參數,但是當我在php頁面上回顯它時,它顯示nopthing echo $ _POST ['contentMessage']; –


清除ajax php頁面中的所有代碼並回顯$ _POST ['contentMessage'];並且請在jquery選項中添加一個類型'POST'var options = {type:'POST', // dataType:'json',//預期的內容類型 data:{id1:$('#id1' ).val()},//注意這裏用於發送值的數據 target:'#'+ message_output_el,//要更新服務器響應的目標元素 beforeSubmit:before_submit,//預提交回調 成功:after_success,//提交後回調 resetForm:true //成功提交後重置表格 }; – rahul