intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, getImageUri());
//my getImageUri
private Uri getImageUri() {
// Store image on sdcard
String dir= Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() +"/my_app/Datapics";
File dirs = new File(dir);
if (!dirs.exists()) {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
CAPTURE_TITLE = extras.getString(some.NAME);
//EDIT if i add this line here
CAPTURE_TITLE= "whatever.png";
//it will save my picture to the folder i want it to save to but with name
//whatever.png i'm getting my name from my previous activity and want
//to assign it to capture title
File file = new File(dir , CAPTURE_TITLE+".jpg");
Uri imgUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
Log.e("get imageuri called: ",imgUri.toString());
//this is what I get from here
//04-28 19:42:33.835: E/get imageuri called:(2049):
Log.e("get imageuri called2: ",file.toString());
//this is what i get here
//04-28 19:42:33.835: E/get imageuri called2:(2049)
//:/mnt/sdcard/my_app/Datapics/BlackbirdSat Apr 28 19:42.jpg
return imgUri;
以及我條紋本次活動並創建了單獨的應用程序,我將CAPTURE_TITLE指定爲私有靜態最終的應用程序,並將具有一個活動的應用程序將該文件保存到我想要的sdcard中。任何解決方法。 – 2012-04-28 23:10:55
哦,只是我的想象力,它沒有最終 – 2012-04-28 23:17:54
所有的人我不知道這一點。名稱不能包含:我正在使用包含的日期和時間來構建名稱,所以我使用了新的Date()。toString()。replace(「:」,「」);並將我的照片保存到我的位置。 – 2012-04-29 00:59:38