2017-07-10 74 views


words = [store, worry, periodic, bucket, keen, vanish, bear, transport, pull, tame, rings, classy, humorous, tacit, healthy] 


l1 = [[terrible, worry, not], [healthy], [fish, case, bag]] 
l2 = [[vanish, healthy, dog], [plant], [waves, healthy, bucket]] 

我想用字典,並承擔字爲關鍵,但將需要兩個「價值」(每個列表)的命中數。 所以輸出會是這樣的:

{"store": [0, 0]} 
{"worry": [1, 0]} 
{"healthy": [1, 2]} 

怎麼會是這樣的工作? 提前謝謝!


聽起來你已經得到了基本結構制定。你到底在做什麼? – glibdud


讓您的生活更輕鬆,並使用'collections.Counter'列表來代替? –


@glibdud,我想我的想法是正確的,但我可能會錯過某種方法或解決方法,比迭代和添加更簡單 - 就像tobias現在說的那樣...也要檢查它! – DJM




from itertools import chain 
words = [store, worry, periodic, bucket, keen, vanish, bear, transport, pull, tame, rings, classy, humorous, tacit, healthy] 

l1 = [[terrible, worry, not], [healthy], [fish, case, bag]] 
l2 = [[vanish, healthy, dog], [plant], [waves, healthy, bucket]] 

l1 = list(chain(*l1)) 

l2 = list(chain(*l2)) 

final_count = {i:[l1.count(i), l2.count(i)] for i in words} 

謝謝Ajax,也完美運作。短而優雅。該鏈也將非常方便地簡化我以前的一些代碼! – DJM


很高興能幫到你! – Ajax1234



my_dict = {} 
for word in l1: 
    if word in words: #This makes sure you only work with words that are in your list of unique words 
     if word not in my_dict: 
      my_dict[word] = [0,0] 
     my_dict[word][0] += 1 
for word in l2: 
    if word in words: 
     if word not in my_dict: 
      my_dict[word] = [0,0] 
     my_dict[word][1] += 1 



my_dict = {} 
for group in l1: 
    for word in group: 
     if word in words: 
      if word not in my_dict: 
       my_dict[word] = [0,0] 
      my_dict[word][0] += 1 
for group in l2 
    for word in group: 
     if word in words: 
      if word not in my_dict: 
       my_dict[word] = [0,0] 
      my_dict[word][1] += 1 



謝謝戴維,我想我只是無法想象'列表作爲價值',但它完美的作品。正如你所說,套件不是一個選項,因爲我需要點擊次數! – DJM


絕對。 @ Ajax1234的itertools示例更高效,但如果發現不能使用'chain'的情況,可以將此字典作爲後備口袋中的一個工具來計算。祝你好運! –