2014-05-15 181 views

我正在嘗試構建一個簡單的Web應用程序,學生可以在其中預定駕駛課程(適用於大學項目)我已經完成了插入操作並查看了......現在我需要添加更新並刪除...我遇到更新問題....它似乎沒有更新我想要的行...我想要更新Active列等於true/1的行。信息通過與Firstname不同的地方傳遞。 ..列表中的最後一個名字是沒有其他添加....簡單的問題,我可以想象,任何人都可以幫忙嗎?PHP MySQL(更新)

<!DOCTYPE html> 

     <title>Edit Students</title> 


      $user = 'root';  //Database username ("Root for xampp") 
      $pass = '';    //Database password ("empty for exampp") 
      $db = 'dragondrivingschooldb';  //Name of database 

      $con = new mysqli('localhost', $user, $pass, $db) or die("Unable to connect"); //Create new data connection ('name of host/server', user, password, database name) 

      $sql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM booking"); 

    echo "<table border='1'> //Creating table to store data 
    <tr>      //Table headers 
     <th>Booking ID</th> 
     <th>First Name</th> 
     <th>Last Name</th> 
     <th>Driving Experience</th> 
     <th>Mobile Number</th> 
     <th>House Number</th> 
     <th>Package Type</th> 
     <th>Length Of Lesson</th> 
     <th>Driving Instrutor</th> 
     <th>Name On Bank Card</th> 
     <th>Card Holder Address</th> 
     <th>Card Holder Postcode</th> 
     <th>Card Number</th> 
     <th>Three Digit Card Number</th> 

    //Show Edit Form/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 

    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { //Run sql code till there are no more rows to import 

    echo "<form action=\"UpdateStudents.php\" method=\"post\">"; //create form 

    echo "<tr>"; 
     echo "<td> <input type=\"radio\" \" name=\"radActive\"> </td>";   //when this equals true, then the row will be updated 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BookingID'] . " name=\"txtid\"> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['FirstName'] . " name=\"txtfirstname\"> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['LastName'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['Age'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['DrivingExpereince'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['Street'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['PostCode'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['City'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['County'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['MobileNumber'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['HouseNumber'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['EMail'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['Course'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['PackageType'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['LengthOfLesson'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['DrivingInstrutor'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['Date'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['Time'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BankName'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BankAddress'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BankPostCode'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BankCardNo'] . "> </td>"; 
     echo "<td> <input value=" . $row['BankSecurityNo'] . "> </td>"; 
    echo "</tr>"; 

    echo "</table>";  //close table 

    echo "<input name=\"btnUpdate \" type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\" />"; //Create buton to update 

    echo "</form>"; 

    mysqli_close($con); //close database connection 





$user = 'root';  //Database username ("Root for xampp") 
$pass = '';    //Database password ("empty for exampp") 
$db = 'dragondrivingschooldb';  //Name of database 

$con = new mysqli('localhost', $user, $pass, $db) or die("Unable to connect"); //Create new data connection ('name of host/server', user, password, database name) 

$sql = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM booking"); //Select all data from booking table 

if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql)) { 
    die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); //if the sql does not run, then kill it 
//Create escape variables for security 


//$id = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['txtid']); 

$Active = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['radActive']);  //bring data in from prevoius page Active 

$FirstName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['txtfirstname']); //Bring data in from prevoius page Firstname 

$sqlupdate=("UPDATE booking SET FirstName='$FirstName' Where Active = '$Active' "); //Update row where Active = "true/1" 

if (!mysqli_query($con,$sqlupdate)) { 
    die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); //if the query does not run, then kill it 

echo " Information Updated"; 
echo " FirstName = $FirstName <br>"; //show the value of first name (for debugging purposes 
echo "$Active"; //show the value of active for debugging purposes 

mysqli_close($con); //Close Connection 


附註:您的代碼是漏洞ble到SQL注入,學習如何處理它http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60174/how-can-i-prevent-sql-injection-in-php?rq=1 – bodi0


不知道你正在嘗試在這裏做,看起來像表格使用主動作爲所有不同的列上的數據庫,所以根據你選擇它將嘗試更新哪裏Active = $ row ['HouseNumber']這聽起來不正確,當然你想要更新id = something的位置 – Anigel


您不能期望基於單選按鈕更新要更新的整個行。你需要命名你的其他輸入,然後給這些輸入分配變量。 MySQL不知道你想要更新什麼,「你」需要告訴它。 –


$sqlupdate="UPDATE booking SET FirstName='".trim($FirstName)."' Where Active = '".trim($Active)."'"; 

這應該有助於 請注意,表中的所有行將以相同的名字active = 1的




我試着將它改爲 $ sqlupdate =「更新預訂SET FirstName ='」。trim($ FirstName)。「'其中BookingID ='」.trim($ StudentID)。「'」; 但它似乎仍然將所有名稱更改爲列表中的最後一個名稱 – JiraiyaUK


一個查詢或更新獨立於之前發生的所有事情。你保證只有** ONE **行_Active_是有價值的嗎?這聽起來像多行匹配這個標準。您可能需要在WHERE子句中包含一些其他字段。 –


即時通訊使用單選框,只顯示一個字段可以顯示爲True/1: - /但它始終顯示錶中的姓氏,顯示我選擇表中的第一個名字 – JiraiyaUK