2012-07-21 58 views



1) Stored product identifiers from my web server. 

2) fetched and displayed the products. 

3) when the user taps "buy" for single song, the payment will be done and i will check the 
transaction receipt with apple server using my webserver. 

4) if the receipt status is 0, i will make entry into my webserver database as that particular user has purchased that particular song.(by sending user id and product identifer) 

5) then i deliver the content. 



1) does my non consumable in app purchase makes sense? or am i left anything? 

2) for the auto renewable subscription, once the transaction receipt is valid, what are the information i need to store in my web server.i mean, how can i know when the subscription going to expire, expire date, etc ? 

3) how to check whether the subscription is valid before delivering the content? 

4) if my steps to do are wrong pls suggest me how can i proceed? please share your opinion 
sorry to be dumb 

請幫助別人 – user198725878 2012-07-21 11:23:56


  1. 是的,我認爲非消耗品,這是有道理的。由於您只購買一次,將信息輸入到您的網絡服務器數據庫應該沒問題。

  2. 交易收據正是您的信息來源:它不是「一次有效」,但要確定訂閱是否已過期,您應該存儲收據。在您的應用程序的每次啓動(因爲這是資源消耗)時,您可以再次將收據發送給Apple以「驗證」 - 事實上,這會檢查訂閱是否仍然與Appe一起生效(即已在適當的時間)。從Apple返回的答案包含(在JSON字典中)有關到期日期等的信息(請參見https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/RenewableSubscriptions/RenewableSubscriptions.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH4-SW2

  3. 然後,您可以存儲信息訂閱在您的應用中是否處於活動狀態(非永久),因此您知道是否在實際運行期間提供內容。