2017-03-19 32 views

這是我正在試圖用我的下面的代碼。Python AssertionError

The class Apple should take 4 constructor inputs: the color (color), the name of the apple variety (variety_name), the size (size), and the place it grew in (place_grown), in that order. Those inputs should be assigned to the following instance variables: color, variety, size, grown_in.

The class Apple should also have a string method, which should return a string of the format

A <SIZE> <COLOR> apple of the <VARIETY> variety, grown in <PLACE GROWN IN>. 

The for_pies method should return the boolean value True if the variety is "Granny Smith", "Braeburn", or "Golden Delicious", and if the variety value for that Apple instance is anything else, the method should return the boolean value False.


Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "Apple.py", line 312, in test_apple9 
self.assertEqual(ap2.__str__(), "A large yellow apple of the Golden Delicious variety, grown in the United States.") 
AssertionError: 'A large yellow apple of the Golden Delicious variety, grown in the United States ' != 'A large yellow apple of the Golden Delicious variety, grown in the United States.' 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
File "Apple.py", line 315, in test_apple10 
self.assertEqual(ap2.__str__(),"A medium red apple of the Braeburn variety, grown in WA.") 
AssertionError: 'A medium red apple of the Braeburn variety, grown in WA ' != 'A medium red apple of the Braeburn variety, grown in WA.' 


class Apple: 
    def __init__(self, color, variety_name, size, place_grown): 
     self.color = color 
     self.variety = variety_name 
     self.size = size 
     self.place_grown = place_grown 

    def __str__(self): 
     return "A %s %s apple of the %s variety, grown in %s ." % (
      self.size, self.color, self.variety, self.place_grown) 

    def for_pies(self): 
     return self.variety in ("Granny Smith", "Braeburn", "Golden Delicious") 

    ap2 = Apple("green","Granny Smith","large","Sydney, Australia") 
    print ap2 # Should print: A large green apple of the Granny Smith variety, grown in Sydney, Australia 
    print ap2.for_pies() # should print True 

    ap3 = Apple("red","Mystery variety", "small","Michigan") 
    print ap3.for_pies() # should print False 
    print ap3 # should print: A small red apple of the Mystery variety variety, grown in Michigan 


import unittest 

class Problem4(unittest.TestCase): 
    def test_apple10(self): 
     ap2 = Apple("red","Braeburn","medium","WA") 
     self.assertEqual(ap2.__str__(),"A medium red apple of the Braeburn variety, grown in WA.") 
    def test_apple9(self): 
     ap2 = Apple("yellow","Golden Delicious","large","the United States") 
     self.assertEqual(ap2.__str__(), "A large yellow apple of the Golden Delicious variety, grown in the United States.") 

'! ='是比較運算符,而不是賦值。改用'='。我不確定你爲什麼使用可能值的元組,你的任務並不要求你驗證值。 –


@ Martijn Pieters偉大我帶走了!=,現在我收到錯誤Traceback(最近呼叫最後一個): 文件「Apple.py」,行136,在 print ap2#應該打印:一個大青蘋果在澳大利亞悉尼種植的格蘭尼史密斯品種 文件「Apple.py」,第123行,在__str__ %(self.size,self.color,self.variety_name,self.place_grown) TypeError:需要整數 –


問題的標題與'AssertionErrors'有什麼關係? – martineau





def __init__(self, color, variety_name, size, place_grown): 
    self.color = color 
    self.variety = variety_name 
    self.size = size 
    self.place_grown = place_grown 



def __str__(self): 
    return "A %s %s apple of the %s variety, grown in %s " % (
     self.size, self.color, self.variety, self.place_grown) 



def for_pies(self): 
    return self.variety in ("Granny Smith", "Braeburn", "Golden Delicious") 



class Apple: 
    def __init__(self, color, variety_name, size, place_grown): 
     self.color = color 
     self.variety = variety_name 
     self.size = size 
     self.place_grown = place_grown 

    def __str__(self): 
     return "A %s %s apple of the %s variety, grown in %s " % (
      self.size, self.color, self.variety, self.place_grown) 

    def for_pies(self): 
     return self.variety in ("Granny Smith", "Braeburn", "Golden Delicious") 


class Apple(): 
    def __init__(self, color, variety_name, size, place_grown): 
     self.color = color 
     self.variety_name = variety_name 
     self.size = size 
     self.place_grown = place_grown 


def __str__(self): 
     return "A %s %s apple of the %s variety grown in %s " \ 


def for_pies(self): 
     return self.variety in ["Granny Smith", "Braeburn", "Golden Delicious"] 


ap2 = Apple("green","Granny Smith","large","Sydney, Australia") 
print ap2 # Should print: A large green apple of the Granny Smith variety, grown in Sydney, Australia 
print ap2.for_pies() # should print True 

ap3 = Apple("red","Mystery variety", "small","Michigan") 
print ap3.for_pies() # should print False 
print ap3 # should print: A small red apple of the Mystery variety variety, grown in Michigan 

使用其他格式%s。我在 –


以上寫過'for_pies',順便說一句,不需要論證。 –


你說得對。對不起,我的錯誤 –